Chapter Twenty Five

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"Dude, can I borrow your car?" I ask Chris, who is busy signing documents for the student council.

"Why? What happened to your car?"

"Nothing. It's just parked in front of the library and I don't want to walk that far."

He throws at me his car keys and asks, "Why do you need the car anyway?"

"Harper has an appointment with her boss and they're meeting at Martha's. That's a long walk from here."

Chris playfully punches me on the arm. "Who are you and what did you to my buddy?"

"Your buddy just got a girlfriend, that's all."

I realize that I probably don't suck at relationships. Maybe I just need to meet the perfect woman to make me believe that relationships are worth a try. It so happens that I met her in the person of Harper.

When I get to our building's lobby, Harper is already there.

"Hi babe," I say as I plant as I kiss her lightly on the lips.

"I can go on my own, Ashton. You don't have to drive me if you're busy." That's Harper being Harper. Aside from being my girlfriend, she also acts as my life coach. I've now become more serious about my studies because of her.

That's why when she needs me, I always make sure I'm there.

"Who says I'm busy? I always have time for my babe."

She chuckles and says, "You're a cheesy fucker."

"I'm a cheesy and a good fucker in bed," I whisper. That is awarded with a playful slap on the arm.

"Tonight, we're going to have hot sex."

"Can't wait." I then surprise her by carrying her out of the building and onto Chris' car.

She laughs as she tries to pinch my cheeks and I find myself laughing with her. My heart flutters.

"God, you're infuriatingly cute." It's Ryle. The bastard then takes a video of us and shouts, "I'll send this to Chris, you lover boy."

Once we're inside the car, Harper pulls me in for a hug and whispers, "Where have you been all my life?"

"I think that's the question I should ask," I say as I turn on the ignition. "My life has been better with you on it."

And that's not a lie.

Harper's meeting with her boss has gone into overtime. And because I still have extra time in my hands, I decide to drop by the grocery.

Maybe I can try to cook something easy tonight to surprise her. I decide on Mac N' Cheese.

And because I don't know how to cook, I call Ryle to double check the ingredients I need for Mac N' Cheese.

"Dude, from the name itself, you know that you need macaroni and cheese," he mocks.

"I know that, you fucker. I just want to be sure about the other ingredients I need besides macaroni and cheese."

"You, dude, are really something. You need milk, and for cheese, pick cheddar. You also need all-purpose flour, salt and ground pepper. Got that?"

"Yup. I'll drop by Chris' after this. I'll use his kitchen."

"Oh bless him and his kitchen," Ryle jokes.

"Fuck you."

"I'll go there after class," he then says. "I'll make sure to taste your Mac N Cheese even before Harper does. She's great and I don't want her to suffer."

I curse at him again before cancelling the call. The fucker really thinks I'll mess this up. Well, I'll try not to mess it up because I'm doing this for Harper.

Harper's face is unreadable that I don't know if she's happy with my Mac N Cheese or if she's trying not to show me her disgust.

"What can you say?" I finally ask her.

Instead of answering my question, she continues to eat. What the fuck. This silence is killing me.

"Harper, you don't need to keep on eating it if it doesn't taste nice," I say in defeat.

"What are you saying?" A smile finally breaks across her face. "I love it! That's why I'm taking my sweet time eating."

Is she serious?

"Fuck, I thought you hated it."

"Why would I hate it? You put a lot of effort into cooking this. Thank you."

"Well, a thank you is not enough." I smirk at her. "I think I need the hot sex you promised me earlier."

"Learn to be patient, you impatient flirt. I'm still enjoying this Mac N Cheese."

With that, I laugh.

It's funny how Harper can make me do things I don't usually do like cooking, washing the dishes and studying more than I used to. But I guess that's part of the reason why I've fallen for her.

Shit. I really have fallen for her.

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