Chapter Four

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"Why are we here?"

"Because we're going to party. Come on, Harper. Don't be such a killjoy."

Katrina half-drags me inside Roger's, the bar in Norton notorious for hosting hookup parties involving minors. I don't understand how a bar with illegal activities can still get to operate. But then again, money makes the world move, so I won't be surprised if the owner bribes local officials to keep the business going.

"We could have stayed indoors and eat pasta and watch Gossip Girl reruns," I whine. Partying is not my thing and I have no energy to pretend that I like it. Today had been such a busy day with the job interview and all, so excuse me if I want to stay in.

"No. We're not going to do that. We're going to have another way of having fun," Katrina dismisses my rant. "It's my birthday so I get to call the shots."

Yeah. She's right. I'm such a terrible friend.

Katrina leads the way and I am having a difficult time moving because of the stilettos she lent me. I am also wearing a super tight leather dress which is doing a superb job highlighting my curves and making it hard for me to breathe.

"Is that Chris Jacobson and Ryle Myers with Ashton Price?" Judy blurts out once we reach the table Katrina reserved for tonight.

I scan the crowd to look for him and yeah, he's here. And he's not alone because a girl is trying to kiss him. Okay, trying not to gag here.

"Is that Samantha Semblat? I thought they broke up."

I throw them another glance and Judy's right. It's Samantha. She looks stunning as usual. The two of them seem cozy for a couple who broke up.

"That's what I heard, too. So does this mean they're back together?"

"Maybe? They seem perfect for each other anyway."


"Can we have fun without talking about other people?" I snap. The partying I can tolerate. But seeing Ashton with Samantha Semblat and having it rubbed on my face? That's another thing.

Why do I even care if they're dating again anyway? Just because Ashton Price is trying to get into my graces, doesn't mean I have to be affected. He only needs me for a paper.

This stupid crush has to stop.

"You're being cranky today, babe. What you need is one glass of margarita," Judy suggests. In most cases, I will decline the offer. But right now, I don't care.

We kick-off the celebration by singing happy birthday to Katrina with matching dance steps. It's the one Judy came up with and which we practiced for a week every midnight or once we're sure Katrina's asleep.

As the night wears on, I find myself enjoying our little celebration. I'm on my second margarita but it feels like I'm on my eight. My head is pounding and my body is heating up.

"Okay, so why is Ashton Price staring at you?" Katrina asks me the stupidest question ever.

"Kat, you're drunk. He is not staring at me."

"I only had two margaritas. My tolerance is up to four, so no. I'm not yet drunk."

"He is seriously staring at you, girl," Judy agrees. "And oh my gosh, he's coming."

"Hi ladies," Ashton greets us with that seducing voice of his. He's wearing the same jeans and shirt I saw him in earlier, but he looks way more attractive tonight. Maybe the alcohol is playing tricks with my head.

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