Xu Qiang - 1.1

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Lihua regained her senses and saw herself standing in front of a mansion. She was wearing a peach coloured flowy dress, which was fluttering with the breeze, and a light shawl on top.

30 seconds later, Lihua collects herself and her thoughts and asks Arlo, 'What is this world about?'

'I'll send you the information now.'

Images flashed through Lihua's mind, one by one, making her have a headache. She frowned a bit but didn't react much to it.

'It felt like I just watched a movie right now.'

'A dumb one.'

Lihua snorted and agreed.

This world's male lead, Wang Yong was engaged to his mother's best friend's daughter. Those two grew up together and knew that they were engaged all their life.

One day Wang Yong met Ye Ping at a bar. They both were very drunk at the time and ended up sleeping together. Wang Yong kicked Ye Ping out the next morning, leaving her devasted.

His fiance caught him but he managed to make her stay with him and forget about the incident.

Ye Ping was a part-time waitress and also sung and danced for events. She and Wang Yong would play the game of 'my heart doesn't want you but my body does' a lot, and they were sneaking around behind Wang Yong's fiance's back.

One day Ye Ping was performing at an event. This event had a lot of influential people which also included Wang Yong. Seeing him with his fiance, Ye Ping got jealous and revealed to everyone that she was pregnant with his child.

Wang Yong didn't want to let go of his fiance but he also didn't want to forget Ye Ping. Wang Yong's mother accepted Ye Ping since she was pregnant with her grandchild and his original fiance became a mistress. Wang Yong's fiance loved him so much that she accepted it.

After Ye Ping gave birth, Wang Yong would go out a lot with his fiance. But, over time when Wang Yong saw how although he went out a lot, Ye Ping didn't say anything and waited for him to come home, he slowly started to fall for her.

His fiance was livid when she found out. But all she got was getting drugged by Ye Ping, and ending up pregnant. She didn't even have a chance to get anything done before Ye Ping already ruined her. 

In the end, Wang Yong and Ye Ping lived a happy life with their baby boy.

'Let me guess, I'm the fiance?'

'Her name is Xu Qiang. The only daughter of the Xu family.'

Xu Qiang... Hmm.

'Anyways, at what point of the story am I at right now?'

'This is the time you see a girl running out in dishevelled clothes.'

'Ye Ping?'


Right at this time, Lihua saw a girl run out of the mansion with mascara lines running down her face.

Lihua looked at her own face from the car window.

Wang Yong picked her over this girl?

This body that Lihua was currently residing in could only be described as exquisite.

She looked like a painting, too beautiful for the world. Bewitching eyes, jade-like smooth skin, it looked as if this girl had no flaws.

'I think that Wang Yong was attracted to Ye Ping's singing and dancing skills. As well as her 'innocent' and 'pure' personality.'


'Doesn't this Xu Qiang have any wishes?'

'Yes, she does.'

'May I know what they are?'

'Oh, yes, right. Xu Qiang has 3 last wishes that she wants you to fulfill.

1. Make Wang Yong regret cheating on her.

2. Find genuine friends.

3. Live a happy life.'

'That's it?'


After speaking with Arlo, Xu Qiang went into the house and saw all the servants rushing upstairs to clean Wang Yong's bedroom.

Xu Qiang knew that if she wanted Wang Yong to regret cheating on her, she'll have to make him feel guilty. So, she followed the servants upstairs, no one noticed her as they were too busy rushing over.

She reached the bedroom and saw that the door was closed and things being thrown inside was heard. Xu Qiang went over and noticed that the door was unlocked, everyone was just afraid to go in.

She snickered and opened the door.

"Yong-ah, what are you doing?" Xu Qiang said in a helpless tone.

I think I should become an actor.

Wang Yong quickly turned around and saw his fiance, the one he just cheated on.

He glanced at the bed and saw the bloodstain left by Ye Ping. He then looked back at Xu Qiang and went to hug her tightly.

"Qiang-er, what are you doing here all of a sudden?"

"Why, can't I come and visit my fiance without a reason?" Xu Qiang said in a playful tone hugging him back.

Wang Yong laughed and hugged her tighter, the guilt in his heart becoming more known.

It should be acknowledged that Wang Yong actually liked Xu Qiang, as they were considered childhood friends, but thought she was too classy. He liked girls like Ye Ping, who were cute and simple.

Xu Qiang pulled herself out of the hug and looked at Wang Yong. He, as the male lead, looked very handsome, topped with the fact that he wasn't wearing a t-shirt right now, he looked even better.

Xu Qiang decided that she wasn't going to bring up Ye Ping running out, instead, she's going to see whether Wang Yong continues to mess around with Ye Ping or not.

Wang Yong told Xu Qiang to wait for him downstairs to get ready and she agreed.

After he got changed they went around all day, doing fun things. Xu Qiang did this on purpose so that he feels even more guilty.

Wang Yong was feeling terrible. Throughout the day he saw how Xu Qiang would hold his hand and talk to him, how she made him laugh, and how interesting she was overall.

He felt that he discovered a new side of her today. One that he really liked.

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