Han Suyin - 3.15

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After sending the spy a little 'gift', Han Xiu left with his people. The spy continued to watch them but it was from a greater distance now. Han Xiu's decision to lead the Zhuming spies away from the capital caused him to reach his destination later, just as he said it would.

While they were travelling, the weather seemed to become colder and it took a lot of energy just to stay awake. Han Xiu noticed Biyu trembling on her tiny horse and felt bad for her. He stopped Ben and waited for her to catch up.

When she was beside him, Han Xiu took off his thick coat and bent down to give it to her. Biyu started to blush in the cold weather and slowly shook her head.

"You need to stay warm." Han Xiu said and put it on her before she could refuse.

Biyu shyly whispered a thank you and Han Xiu nodded, smiling slightly. This made Biyu feel very special, which was a bit sad since this was just basic manners for Han Xiu. Continuing with their journey, Han Xiu was back at the front and Ben was moving slowly.

It started to snow soon after, which made the temperature drop even more. Han Xiu started to feel the chilling cold shortly after giving away his coat.

I was being kind, I can't take it back anymore. 

An hour or so later, Han Xiu felt his body getting extremely weak and slow. His nose started to run and he swiftly wiped it with his handkerchief, when he looked at it he saw that the cloth had a large red mark on it. Han Xiu started to feel an excruciating pain take over him, it felt as though his bones were freezing up.

Blood starting dripping from his nose faster, leaving red dots on the snow. Han Xiu, with a lot of pain and discomfort, covered his nose with his handkerchief and decided to ask Arlo about what was happening.

'Arlo? Are you still here?'

'Yes, host?'

'What's happening to me?'

'It seems that Han Suyin had contracted an illness due to kneeling for too long in snow and rain previously, damaging her immune system. This affected how she could tolerate different weathers.'

'Her immune system is damaged? It must've been pretty weak from the start.'

'In this case, yes.'


Han Xiu bared with the teeth-shattering pain for the rest of the journey. When he arrived at the capital, he and his army were ready to pass out from exhaustion. The weather didn't get any better, but it didn't get colder, which Han Xiu was very grateful for.

Han Xiu had to go and greet the Emperor before he could rest as a sign of respect. Fu Guan joined him and instructed the other soldiers and Biyu to stay outside of the palace when they arrived.

Marching through the streets of the capital, Han Xiu's soldiers all had a stoic face, none of the tiredness was shown. This was a standard form of intimidation which soldiers used and it worked effectively with the citizens.

Han Xiu's pain had mostly gone away and his nose wasn't a bloody waterfall anymore, but he had gotten a slight headache. When he and Fu Guan had reached the entrance of the Emperor's palace, the guards didn't make any indication that they were opening the gates to let them in.


Just as Fu Guan was about to go off on the guards, a servant came out of the palace hurriedly. 

"Open the gates!" He told the guards.

The guards furrowed their brows but eventually opened the gates to the palace. The servant rushed outside and bowed to Han Xiu. 

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