Han Suyin - 3.17

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Su Leili's eyes widened when she heard the word 'darling' come out of the man's mouth. Her face turned red in anger as she tried to push him away. Her weak pushes didn't move Han Xiu at all and he watched her try, amused.

Han Xiu backed up and Su Leili got the chance to see his face properly. She has seen a lot of good-looking people in her two lives, but she had to admit, this man was in the top 5. He had a certain look in his eyes which made Su Leili feel like she was exposed. She quickly shook the thought out of her head and looked at the ground.

She, Su Leili, was a woman from the 21st century. A business owner, a genius, a prodigy! How could she cower in front of this man? She didn't even bow down to the prince of Jiu! Who does this man think he is?

Snap out of it, Su Leili!

"Don't call me darling." Su Leili spat. "I'm a man."


"Are you a cut-sleeve?" Su Leili backed away from him.

"For you? Definitely." Han Xiu said and innocently smiled.

Su Leili or, Su Peizhi, blushed in anger at Han Xiu flirting so openly. Han Xiu's smile became wider and he was about to tease the female lead a little more when he saw the silhouette of a man coming near. Su Leili also saw the silhouette, and judging by her reaction, this was the person she was trying to get away from when she came in the room.

"Go and hide." Han Xiu told her.

Not wanting to get caught by the person she was running away from, Su Leili nodded and hid behind the big table that was in the room. As soon as she got down, someone had already entered the room. Han Xiu's eyebrows jumped when he saw who the person was.

Xing Yi Chen, give it a rest, will you?

The male lead walked into the room, his cold eyes were slightly narrowed, like he was looking for someone and when he saw Han Xiu, his eyes became colder.

Cold eyes from you, cold eyes from your soon-to-be wife. You two make a great pair.

"Greetings, Your Highness." Han Xiu looked down, as if that sufficed for a bow.

Xing Yi Chen didn't say anything and kept looking around the room. He was sure that his little vixen was here. He turned to Han Xiu and asked.

"Did anyone come into this room?"

"Not at all, Your Highness. It's just my servant and I."

Xing Yi Chen knew Han Xiu was lying but, it would be improper of him to start searching a room for no reason. As the two men were talking, Su Leili peeked her head out of her hiding spot and saw that Xing Yi Chen's back was facing towards her. This meant that Han Xiu could see her hiding spot.

The combination of the two most beautiful men she has ever seen was quite a pleasing sight. As she looked at them in a daze, Han Xiu's gaze went to her and he saw the glossed over look in her eyes and snickered.

Su Leili snapped out of her fantasy moment and quickly hid her head when she saw Xing Yi Chen look her way. She could tell that he knew that she was here now.

"Is there a reason why you're here, Your Highness?" Han Xiu questioned when Xing Yi Chen turned back to face him.

Already having seen his troublesome little fox, Xing Yi Chen's mood became lighter.

"I thought that this was the room that I reserved." He replied.


Without saying anything else, Xing Yi Chen left the room. Han Xiu thought it was normal, because usually the only thing that can pacify male leads mood was the female lead herself. Su Leili slowly got up from her hiding spot and fell on the sofa-like chair that she designed. She sighed and wiped her forehead that was slightly wet with perspiration.

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