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"Good luck." Adele smiled, as she leant and kissed my cheek; before walking out and leaving for work.

My hands shook slightly, nervous on how Maria would react. Today was the day I was going to tell Maria and it made me anxious to think of how she might react to such a proposition. I knew she would be happy, but I was afraid we might give her false hope.

Walking over to Marias, the slight breeze sent shivers down my spine and my hairs to stand up on the back of my neck. Getting to her home, I looked at the door and raised my hand; finding all the courage to knock. Before I had chance to knock on the door, it opened and revealed a tear stained Maria.

"Amelia?" She said, almost squeaked. Her voice was so quiet I could barely hear her. She was a mess, that was the nicest way I could put it, it was mean but truthful.

"Hey Maria." I smiled, moving closer to here and wrapping my arms around her small frame. "I came to talk to you."

She said nothing, but nodded her head in agreement and walked with me inside. I wrapped a hand around her shoulders, as I walked with her into the living room. She leant on me slightly and I could feel her exhaustion in her body, she was cold and so frail - I had never seen her like that before.

"What was it that you wanted to talk to me about?" She whispered, her voice hoarse as she looked up to me. I took a deep breath in and looked to her heartbroken face, her eyes shared her pain.

"I think we can help you get Hans back."


"This seems really rushed Amelia, are you sure this is going to work?" Louis grumbled, holding onto his suitcase as we reached to his car.

"He has contacts, he knows people who can help us." I rushed, grabbing his suitcase and putting it in the boot of the car. I turned to him, placing one hand on my hip and took a deep breath in. "Just trust me. I know what I am doing."

"I sure hope so." He muttered, but the sound of Adele rushing out with Maria brought our attention to them.

"Come on, let's get going!" Adele squealed, getting in the back seat of the car with Maria. I looked to Louis and shut the boot.

"I can't think of anything worse than going back there." I breathed out. "But I can no longer think about myself. It's time I put my friend first."

"You are stronger than you think." Louis smiled, pulling me into him for a hug. He kissed the side of my head and pulled away, getting into the car - ready to drive.

Taking a deep breath in, I prepared myself for what could lie ahead.

Would these people remember me? Would they remember the past I left behind? Would they know about my failed marriage? And most importantly, would they know of my love towards the hated Germans?

I never went back because I didn't know whether I could bring myself to find out about him. Whether he stayed or not, whether he had died or in fact survived. My heart could not take it, so not knowing made it seem more bearable.

Going back to the place I once called home, made me more anxious than I had ever been in my life. Fighting in the resistance seemed easy, compared to facing my past and is saying something. Looking out the window, as we passed the busy city, the smart and well structured houses; to then entering a pool of green. The green trees that were blooming with flowers and fruit.

It did not take long to get to Bussy, infant were there in less than an hour. We were lucky enough to not have to drive through the town as we entered; fearing that people would stare as we drove through. Beniot's farm was on the outskirts, which was so much more convenient to get too.

"I have never been the Bussy before." Adele exclaimed, as we pulled into the farm house, which had not changed at all.

"It is nothing special." I answered, as Louis pulled up and I got out of the car. As I got out, the breeze of spring smacked me in the face and sent shivers down my spine. Looking around me, memories seemed to flash before my eyes as I looked around - remembering so much from my years here - countless of times coming to collect rent and knowing Beniot wouldn't have enough.

"You are here." Beniot smiled, limping over to us, using his stick as we met him half way. Doing his rounds of hugs to everyone. Maria hugged into him. "I hope you are okay Maria. Amelia told me and I hope you know I will be right alongside you."

Maria said nothing, unable to, I could tell she wanted to cry with happiness over the friendships she had with us.

"Hey you." Beniot smiled, hugging me. "Glad to be back?"

"It is the exact same." I mumbled, wanting to avoid the question. "It is good to see you again Beniot. How is your leg?"

"Oh, same old same old." He smiled, looking down at it and then up to us. "Please, come in, I will help with your things later."

We followed Beniot inside, one by one as we entered the small cottage. Standing in the kitchen, my memory brought me back to the time when the German stayed with the family; when he tried to make a move on Madeleine - which is really why our troubles started.

"Is Madeleine not here?" I asked, folding my arms and looking to my friend.

I had not seen Madeleine for years. The last time I had seen her, was the afternoon I told her Beniot was safe and okay. The night when the Germans did god knows what to her, to find out where her husband was. She had no clue, it was best she didn't. Beniot hadn't even told her of being in Paris, it was not until after the war, he came back home and greeted his wife once more.

"She is at the market with the children." He answered. "She should be home soon." He took a deep breath in and looked to us.

"Anyone want a hot drink?"

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