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"I will make you my wife" play in my mind the entire hours we spent in the car driving through France.

Maria still hadn't spoken to me and I was starting to feel more upset because I should have nothing to be ashamed about. Louis was still at the back with me and we would occasionally talk to one another - then half way Louis swapped with Adele.

"I have never been to England before." Adele smiled, leaning her head against the window.

"I went a few times when I was younger." I smiled, reminiscing of my times running through the corn fields, playing with my cousins. "My grandmother lived there for some time before she passed away."

"You can speak English, can't you?" Louis asked me, which I nodded my head in reply.

"I have not used it a lot." I answered. "But yes, my English is okay."

"Good, because I don't know it all too well." Adele laughed, while Louis agreed and related to Adele.

"What about you Maria?" Adele asked, but she shrugged her shoulders and said nothing, looking out the window.

"We should stop for a coffee break." Louis suggested. "We have been driving for 5 hours, we need a break."

"No!" Maria demanded. "We need to get there."

"Maria, we need to have a stop off, or we will kill ourselves in a car crash." Adele snapped. "Easy for the people who have not driven."

"I want to get there, okay?" She yelled.

"We know that Maria!" I raised my voice. "But we need to keep safe."

"Amelia I wish you would just shut up!" She huffed, folding her arms.

"Why are you being like this?" I defended myself, feeling nothing but her anger and resentment towards me.

"Because you are little miss perfect." She snapped. "Everything works out for you. Your beau came back to you. Your friends are here. You have a massive house back in Bussy. You have had a perfect childhood. You have had it easy and I am sick of it. All I want is my husband home and all the blessings keep coming to you."

"My life hasn't been perfect you know?" I laugh mockingly. "My mother died when I was 3. My dad died when I was 17. I was married at 17 to a man who had a mistress behind my back, who he now has two children with. I was 19 when Germany took over, when I meant Bruno and let him go. I was scared when fighting for the resistance. I am scared of loosing Bruno again. My blessings come, but it is not an easy ride." I took a deep breath out. "Don't judge a story, because you only see the front cover."

"I'm sorry Amelia." She stressed. "I am really sorry."

"I know it has been hard for you." I forgave her instantly, she was my friend. "But we are so close."

"Let's stop for a drink." She agreed, while Louis pulled over into a small cafe on the side of the road.

"These are some of the best croissants I have ever tasted in my life" Louis beamed from ear to ear, stuffing his face with the sweet goodness. "Honestly, you girls are missing out."

"We will be fine with our coffee." I laughed, taking a sip and then looking to the girls. "I do not think we should have too long to go." Looking down at the map in front of me, I tried to estimate a time frame. "We have about 3-4 hours more, before we get to the border."

"Christ, that seems so long." Adele moaned, taking a sip of her black coffee. "My legs still feel like jelly."

"We should all take it in turns to drive then." Maria suggested. "I can start this time round."

"Then I will take over whenever you are tired." I smiled, which was given back to me. "I say we should get back onto the road."

Maria grabbed the keys off of Louis and we all got into the car. I sat at the front with Maria, while Louis and Adele sat in the back - eventually falling asleep.

"They are sweet." Maria smiled, looking to the two who were leaning into one another, both in a deep sleep.

"They really are." I nodded my head, feeling a bit awkward; not really knowing what else to say.

"I just wanted to say sorry." Maria blurted out. "I never meant to hurt you. You have done a lot for me and I really want you to know how much I appreciate it."

"Don't thank me." I brushed some hair behind my ear. "I am your friend. I would do anything to help you."

"I haven't been kind enough to you." She sighed. "I also see how much you and Bruno care for one another. I am just jealous I don't have that with Hans yet."

"You will soon." I assured her, which only made her smile weakly. "It has been hard for me." I began, looking down to my hooded arms.

"How do you mean?" She asked.

"I resented him at first. The very thought of being with a German, made me feel uneasy." I began. "But the more I tried to resent him, the more I started to want to know more about him. We have been through so much. But he has always been there for me, always helping me and I feel as though I have done nothing."

"But you have-" She began but I cut her off.

"He helped save Benoit." I breathed out. "He helped protect a jewish girl. He protected me from the other officers - on multiple times. I have only put him in more danger."

"I disagree." She shook her head. "Besides, it does not matter. That is what life is about. We all try to help in any way we can. Even if it seems like we have done nothing, we have always left imprints in the sand behind us."

"I just want him to be here very soon." I breathed out. "It has been quite exhausting."

"We will be there soon." She smiled.

"Did you want me to take over?" I asked. "It has been a long time since you have had a break. Plus, you will need all the rest you can get if we are going to find Hans."

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