Chapter 5

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"So what do you want to do today?" He asked her as they walked along the shore.
 "Eat a whole bunch of junk food." He chuckled.
 "That's it?"
 "Just have fun. Go along with the flow I guess." Hunter watched as Reagan walked viewing all the different stores. She was very beautiful. Maybe it was just him but she seemed innocent. The way she looked at things. The way she moved. Even when they made loved. It all gave him the impression that a lot of things were new to her. He questioned if she was a virgin the first time they made love because she seemed so questionable about everything they did. She was way tighter than the average woman. Almost too tight, not that he was complaining. Even though it was four years ago that she last had sex a woman shouldn't have been as tight as she was. He made note to ask her.
   He continued to watch her. She was a very sexy woman. She was wearing shorts with a bathing suit underneath. Showing off her stomach and with every step her hips swayed. She looked happy way happier then she looked when they first met at the restaurant. He was very curious about her. Something he shouldn't be since they would only be together a few more days but his curiosity was getting the best of him.
"Tell me about you Reagan." He blurted.
 "What do you mean?" She asked taken off guard with that.
"Where did you grow up?" She stopped in her tracks. Why did he want to know about her suddenly? It's not like they were dating. They were just sex partners until she went back home. Besides there was nothing special about her life. She grew up as an orphan. She knew nothing about herself. Who she was. Where she come from. She had no one but herself and the past she had made for herself. She was her beginning. She was her history and sadly she was dying and wouldn't be able to keep her history going. From what she knew once she passed on she had no one to live for her. Remember her. Tell stories about her so therefore there was nothing to say.
"Let's not make this about me." She joked. "Tell me about you. Any siblings?"
"Yes. Two sisters ."
"So there's three of you?"
"Yes. Along with my nephew."
 "Are you close to your family?"
 "Yeah. A little too close if you ask me. Everyone is always in each others business."
 "Do you enjoy having siblings though?"
"Yes even with the bad things. Do you have siblings?"
"No, i'm an only child." She said not finding that hard to answer. It was the truth.
"How does it feel being an only  child?"
"Lonely. Boring. I feel I grew up way too fast because I was an only child." Although what she said was true growing up in an orphanage she was surrounded by a lot of kids but always felt alone like something was missing in her life. But of course there was something missing. A family. She's never had a family before. She didn't know how it felt to have a mother or father. She kept to herself.
"At times I wished I was an only child but I suppose it would be lonely and boring. Especially growing up." He said cutting into her thoughts.
"Yeah." She said absently. He stopped and stared at her.
 "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, yes, yes I'm fine." She said forcing a smile and continued walking. She didn't want nor need anyone trying to read her. Trying to get to know her. She was dying so what was the point?
"So what do you like to do for fun?" Reagan asked as they sat  and ate.
"I love to swim. I was on the swim team threw high school and college."
"Really? I love to swim also but just for fun. I'm not a pro like you." They continued to spark up conversation while eating. Once finished they began walking again sightseeing until she decided that she wanted to go swimming.
 "You want to go to the ocean and swim?" He asked as if it was bogus
 "Yeah. Haven't you ever swim in the ocean before?"
 "So what's wrong with it now? Come on Hunter. I'm only here a few more days. Indulge me please."
"Okay fine." He pulled off his shirt and for a minute there the thought of the ocean completely erased from her mind. The man standing before her was so damn sexy. His body was toned. She knew he worked out and with a body like that probably had women all over him. She licked her lips and continued to stare. He stripped out of the jeans seeing a white pair of swim shorts underneath.
"Reagan..." She looked up at him and smiled a slow smile. He smiled a knowing smile and shook his head.
 "Get those thoughts out of your head young lady."
 "What thoughts?"
"That you want to eat me alive or something."
 "I don't want to eat you Hunter but I would love to lick you from head to toe." He bit back a groan. “And take that growing erection into my mouth..."
 "Hey..." He cut off. "People are around us."
"I bet none of these people are virgins either." She said and he chuckled. "You need to learn how to verbally express yourself sexually also Mr. Hunter."
 "I always verbally express myself."
 "Not all the time."
"Have you ever told a woman how much you wanted her? The things you wanted to do to her?"
 "I never had a problem with getting a woman."
"Of course not. Look how sexy you are. But me personally I love to be told how much and how badly you want me." She was now standing directly in front of him. "Like how you are the most sexy man I have ever seen. How if you wanted I'd let you take me right here and now.” She was so close that her breast was pressed against his chest. She took his hand and noticed how his pulse was racing before she placed it on her stomach sliding it up to her breast. She closed her eyes and moaned as she took her bottom lip into her mouth. Hunter swallowed hard. He was now hard as a brick. No woman has ever made him this excited before and in public in front of people. She then stood on her tiptoe and slid the tip of her tongue along his bottom lip.
   "Kiss me Hunter." She didn't need to tell him twice. He quickly wrapped his arms around her waist kissing her deeply. She could feel his erection pressing against her. She didn't know how long they've been kissing but the clearing of someone's throat stopped them. They looked to see a security guard standing there.
 "I know that you two are in love and everything, but this is a public place. Get a room."
"Sorry Mrs." Reagan said smiling as she stood in front of Hunter. He was still sporting a major erection.
"You got us in trouble." He joked.
 "It was well worth it." She said smiling. Turning back to face him she wrapped her arms around his neck ready to kiss him again when the security guard cleared her throat again. Chuckling Reagan took his hand and began leading him away making sure that she stayed in front of him so that he wouldn't surprise anyone with his erection.
Finding a bench he sat down and she quickly straddled him. Tilting his head up with her finger she kissed him and although he didn't agree with this much sexual exposure he couldn't bring himself to stop her. Not that he wanted to.

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