Chapter 16

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A week went by since Reagan's outburst. She didn't speak to him for that whole week and he'd be lying if he said he didn't miss her. He even went as far as knocking on the door but she refused to answer him. She went back to only coming out when she was hungry other than that he never seen her.
   Reagan was tired of answering his questions. The same damn questions so she decided to avoid him altogether. The less she saw him the less she had to worry about answering his unwanted questions. She made a grocery list because there was hardly any food in the kitchen. She made note to rack up on bananas. She loved bananas and they were healthy for her.
Arriving at the grocery store she went straight to the fruits and veggies. She noticed a woman staring at her then her mouth dropped open as if she was shocked.
"Raven when the hell did you become pregnant?" The woman said going over to Reagan and rubbing her stomach. "I seen you like two months ago. How in the hell..."
  "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Reagan said cutting the woman off. "I think you have the wrong person." The woman took a step back staring at Reagan and shook her head.
 "You're not Raven." The woman said matter of factly.
  "No I'm not." Reagan said laughing. "I mean the names sound similar but im Reagan not Raven."
"Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to freak you out. I'm not some crazy person I promise."
 "Its okay." Reagan said laughing.
  "Raven didn't tell me she had another sister though."
 "I don't know a Raven. And I'm an only child so..."
  "You're kidding right?"

   "You look just like my friend Raven. I mean spitting image. Only difference is she has a slight scar over her lip. Other than that spitting image. Wow. Amazing. Again I'm sorry if I freaked you out. This is just crazy to me. I have to call her and tell her." After the woman left Reagan continued her shopping. Although she did think that was creepy just a little.
Reagan looked at the two cars in the driveway. One was Hunters but she didn't recognize the other. She looked when the front door opened and out stepped Hunter with a woman appearing behind him. Right away she knew who the woman was. They looked too much alike. It had to be his twin sister.
 "Where have you been?" He asked as he got to her.
 "The grocery store. A pregnant woman has to eat."
  "You don't have food in the house Hunter?" The woman asked as she came up beside him.
 "You are so beautiful." Reagan said to the woman.
 "Why thank you." The woman said beaming from the compliment.
 "I'm Reagan."
  "Alison. Hunters..."
 "Sister." Reagan finished. "Twin sister right?"
"Right. Let me help you with those." She reached for the bags but Hunter swatted her away.
 "I have them. You two go inside." They did as told.
  "Hunter something happened at work?" Reagan asked once in the kitchen.
 "No. Why do you ask?"
 "You're home." She said and Allison laughed.
 "He does work a lot doesn't he?"
 "Yes but he does what he love and that's all that matter right?"
  "Not any more it's not. He has you and the babies." Alison said and Hunter gave a small snort. If only his sister knew the truth.
"I called your phone why didn't you answer?" Hunter asked as he put the food away. It was clear that he had an attitude with her.
  "Its on vibrate didn't hear it."
  "Don't question her like that Hunter."
  "It's fine." Reagan said. The less drama she had with him the better. She just wanted to go back to her room but she didn't want to be rude to Alison.

  "It's not actually. What's up your woohaa?" Alison said and Reagan laughed.
  "What in the world is a woohaa?"
"It's my way of saying ass and he's being an ass to you."
"I shouldn't have left without having my phone up for me to hear." Reagan said and Alison looked at her as if she had two heads.
  "You're the submissive type?" Reagan laughed
 "Why do you say it like that. As if it was disgusting?"
  "I don't mean to, but come on grow some balls."
"If she grew anymore balls they'd be bigger than mine." Hunter said more to himself but they both heard.
"Then that's good. Someone need some dangling balls in this house." Alison said and Reagan bust out laughing.
  "Do u two talk like this all the time?"
"No she yells I talk." Hunter said and Alison didn't deny it. Hunter was the type that could argue his point all day so she felt she had to yell in order to be heard.
  "You have a lot of bananas." He said changing the subject.
"Yeah I love bananas. And other fruits."
 "That's good you're eating healthy for these babies. I do have to admit that I was surprised when I found out Hunter was going to be a father. And to triplets. Amazing."
 "Yeah twins run in you guys family so there was a good chance of this happening." Reagan said. She kept looking towards Hunter who seemed to refuse to look her way. He was mad she knew.
 "So how did you two meet?" Alison asked.
  "The Yurry restaurant. I was sitting alone when Hunter approached me." Reagan explained.
 "Hunter approached you?" Alison asked shocked. "Not to sound shocked but Hunter barely approach any woman. It's usually the other way around."
 "Yeah. He just felt sorry for me." Reagan said trying to enlighten the situation.
 "What do you mean?"
  "I was upset about something and he came over to talk to me and things happened." She explained with a hunch of her shoulders.
 "So this didn't start off as a date?" Alison asked and Reagan smiled already knowing the conclusion she was jumping to.
"No it didn't start off as a date."
  "And now you're pregnant?"
"Yes." Reagan said with a challenging stare. She dared her to apply that he had gotten pregnant on purpose.

"What do you do for a living?"
"Social worker and lawyer."
 "You're a lawyer?"
 "Yes and I didn't get pregnant on purpose." Reagan said stopping her thoughts right then and there. "Getting pregnant was not in my plans. Far from it."
"You make it seem as if you didn't want to be a mother."

 "I didn't." This time Hunter looked at her.
  "How about you tell her the rest of the story." He said folding his arms across his chest.
"How about you tell her." Reagan said not backing down from neither one of them. They had the right one if they thought they were going double team her.
  "What's going on here?" Alison asked.
"Go ahead Hunter tell her." He just stormed out of the kitchen and Reagan stormed into her room leaving Alison in the kitchen alone.
 "What the hell just happened?"
Reagan didn't come out her room for two days. She had stopped cooking for her and Hunter and kept to herself. How dare he try to use her decision to threaten her. To scare her. If being alone all her life taught her anything it taught her fear no one. No matter how tall, how big, how rich, how educated they were. No one was better than her. From now on there was no more flirting with him encountering with him. She would just stay away from him and once she had the babies she could leave.
 "Hey mom." Hunter said as his mother entered her living room.
 "Hello. Where is Reagan?" She asked as she looked around him to see if she could spot her.
"She decided not to come this time."
"Why? I wanted to see her belly."
 "She and I aren't on good terms right now."
 "What did you do?"
  "Why does it always have to be me that did something?" He spat.
 "Because Reagan is a sweetheart and she loves you."
"What makes you think she loves me?"
 "I can just see it."
 "When did you see it?"
 "Every time I seen her. The way she looks at you. The way she flirts with you. How she talks to you. Everything. I am very excited to have grandbabies. More grandbabies." She corrected.
"Alison thinks that she's submissive to me."
 "That's because it's true. I'm not just saying it to be saying it. I bet she would do anything for you."
 "She didn't come here when I asked her to come with me." He said with attitude.
"You're mistaking pride with submission. She is submissive to you but still won't take your shit. I admire her for that. She doesn't kiss your ass. If you ask me that's the kind of woman you need. She's strong."
  "She's far from strong mom." He argued.
"Alison told me you were an ass to her the other day. What's wrong with you?"
"She deserves more than that." He said finally taking a seat in the chair.
"I understand you two didn't plan these babies but that's no way to treat the mother of your babies."
 "She get what she deserves." Hunter was tired of being labeled the enemy. They didn't know the whole story. They didn't know that Reagan was leaving her babies once she had them. She was going to sign over her rights. She didn't want to see them grow up. They're first walk the first time they talked. First day of school. First heartbreak. She was going to miss all of that all because she was selfish. She didn't want her babies. She was abandoning them. No matter what she said that's what she was doing. Abandoning them.
 "I think she's going to be a wonderful mother Hunter. Give her a chance."
 "I am giving her a chance!" He snapped. "I've given her chance after chance. No matter how hard I try to ignore it or get past it I can't."
 "What are you talking about?"

"She's abandoning her babies. She doesn't want them." He blurted out.

Here it comes. The truth. Will Reagan leave or will she stay and just enjoy the bit of time she does have with her babies? Will her fear of not being loved make her run? Is what Reagan doing any different from a mother putting her baby up for adoption? Is there a difference or no? 😱 let me know what yall think. Please vote. Comment. And share.

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