Chapter 15

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Hunter stole a glance at Reagan as she sat on the passenger side of the car. Her eyes were closed. She looked so tired.
 "Are you sure you're okay with coming?" He asked as he drove and a smile spread across her face.
  "I'm positive about coming Hunter. If I wasn't I'd wouldn't be coming. Besides I want to see Terry."
  "If I didn't know any better I'd say you had a crush on him." Her smile widened.
 "If I did?" She challenged.
"That's your problem." He said with
a hunch of his shoulders. He was clearly jealous but didn't want it to show. "He's a married man."
  "I know that. He told me."

   "He told you? What do you mean he told you? You two never spoken but once."
  "On the contrary Hunter. We spoken many of times."

   "When was this?"

   "In New York. That is an amazing man. I love him." She said closing her eyes again knowing that Hunter was staring at her.
  "When did y'all meet in New York?"
  "About a month after I left here. We happened to bump into each other. Did you know he volunteer for big brother big sister programs?"
  "Yes I knew about that."
  "Well he is trying to help open one in New York. We just happen to be at the same spot at the same time. That man is amazing. I love him."
 "You said that already." She could hear the saltiness in his voice. Mr. Hunter was jealous.
Hunter allowed Reagan to enter the restaurant first and she spotted Terry as soon as she stepped foot inside. She began making her way to him without knowing or caring if Hunter wanted her to.
 "Reagan." Terry stood giving her a hug then absently touching her round belly. "How are you feeling?" He asked.
 "As good as a pregnant woman with triplets can feel." She said with a sigh.
  "Triplets?" He said surprised. "Well damn Hunter you wasn't playing huh?" Hunter sheepishly laughed and Reagan beamed.
  "That he does not." Reagan said as she rubbed her belly. Hunter was definitely a good lover. "I'm four months and it looks like I'm six months. I know I'm going to be bedridden soon." She said with another sigh.
  "They will be here soon." Terry encouraged.
 "Yeah." Terry and Hunter noticed she kept stealing glances at the woman at the table. "You are beautiful. I'm Reagan." She leaned over shaking the woman's hand.
 "Thank you. I'm Shannon."

   "Shannon, Terry's wife?"
 "Yes ma'am that's me. Terry
mentioned me I see."
"Of course he has. He said you were pretty. I think you're gorgeous." The woman blushed and Hunter shook his head and Terry laughed.
"Stop flirting with my wife Reagan." Terry said jokingly.
  "Me flirt...with a woman? Never. Can I sit next to you?" Without waiting for an answer she went and sat next to Shannon who laughed at the whole thing.
"Can I touch your belly?"
  "Of course."

   "You are going to get huge with triplets in there."
"Yes I know. I'm excited though."

   "Are you excited Hunter?" Shannon asked.
  "Yes I am actually."

   "These are going to be some gorgeous babies. They're going to look just like their mother."
 "Awe thank you." Reagan said.
  "You're welcome beautiful."
  " flirting with Hunter's girlfriend." Terry said but was smiling from ear to ear.
  "Don't stop her from flirting with me." Reagan said.
 "If I didn't know any better Ray I'd say you were bi." Hunter said with raised brows.
 "Have you ever asked me if I was?" Shannon raised a brow and Terry mouth dropped open.
"Well are you bisexual Reagan?" Hunter asked.
 "Ahh... No I'm not. But I do have girl crushes and Shannon is my new crush." She lay her head on Shannon's shoulder and she kissed her forehead.
 "Okay too much hanky panky in here. Getting me excited." Terry said. Hunter hated that his friend was getting excited from the mother of his children, but what should it matter since they wasn't really together, and she was going to leave once she had the babies. Could his life get any worse right now?
"Look who just walked in?" Terry said. Hunter looked in the direction of the door to find Rogers standing there.
 "You gotta be kidding me." Reagan said. "I'm going to the bathroom. I don't want that man to see me." Shannon helped Reagan to the bathroom while Hunter and Terry went to see about Roger's.
"He's here looking for trouble." Terry said as they walked toward him. Of course he was. Hunter thought. Good time to invite Reagan out. Damn.

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