Chapter 18

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"Help!" Hunter yelled as he carried Reagan into the hospital. It was hard carrying her because her stomach was so big. Once a nurse seen them she quickly grabbed a stretcher. Placing her on top the doctor came rushing over.
"Reagan." He said and quickly went into action.
  "Doctor is she going to be okay?" Hunter asked as he followed behind.
  "There is no telling at this point. She's bleeding. We have to do an emergency c-section."
 "What about Reagan? She's sick."

   "It was her orders. Babies first. I have to honor that." The doctor said then disappeared. Hunter ran his fingers through his hair.
  "I should have listened to her. She told me so many times that she wasn't feeling well."
  "Don't beat yourself up. She's going to pull thru." His mother said.
 "What if she doesn't? Huh? What if she dies? This could have been prevented if I would have just listened." He stormed out of the hospital unable to handle the fact that she just might pass because of him.
Darlin came rushing out the hospital minutes later.
 "They want you for the c-section Hunter." He rushed back in. He didn't even remember putting on the gown. In seconds he was beside Reagan. She was in a coma as they did the operation.
  "Reagan baby you have to fight this okay?" He kissed her forehead. "Fight for me. I love you Reagan." Hunter looked once he heard the noise of his first baby being born.
  "We have us a boy." The doctor said as the nurse took the baby and begin working on him. He was crying and Hunter knew that was a good sign. He decided to stay by Reagan's side instead of checking on the baby. The second baby came. It was a girl with loud lungs on her. Hunter listened for the other cry of the third baby, but nothing.

   "Doc..." He said and the doctor giving him a worried look.

   "She's tiny." The doctor said.

   "Hunter..." He looked at the sound of Reagan's voice. Her eyes were still closed. "Go to her. She needs you." With that he stood going to see his daughter.
 "She's barely breathing. We have to get her into an incubator asap." The nurse rushed off with the tiny baby.
  "She's going to be okay." He said to Reagan. She no longer responded just laid there. The doctor asked him to leave after the babies were gone.
"What now doc?" Hunter asked before he left the room.
  "Now we finish with Reagan. She's
hanging in there. She did for this long she's not giving up. We're going to start Chemo asap.” Once Hunter left the room he went straight to his son and daughters. They had gotten the tiny girl heart to beat but still needed oxygen to help her breath. The other two were also small but nearly two pounds bigger than the tiny girl. Hunter was unable to hold them because they were all in the incubator. He was a father and the mother to his children wasn't going to be here to watch them grow.
   His mother and sister had gone home to rest but he couldn't leave. Not without Reagan. He was standing and pacing when a woman walked threw the door.

   "Reagan?" He thought. She gave him a smile and walked past him. He couldn't bring himself to stop watching her. Was he dreaming? He ran his hands down his face then continued to stare.

   "You have an admirer." The disk clark said to the woman who Hunter couldn't stop looking at. "He's handsome to."
   "He also has three babies up stairs." The woman said with a frown. He did love him some black women. He had mixed babies. She knew because she was in the nursery once they were bought in and the other nurses bragged about how handsome the father was and once she seen him she had to agree.
  "Oh shit he's coming this way." The nurse watched as Hunter came her way looking at her so strangely. All that she could think was. This man better not flirt with me while he got three damn babies upstairs.

   "Can I help you?" She asked once he stopped in front of her with the same strange stare.

   "Can I ask your name?" He asked.
 "I'm nurse Raven. How can I help you sir?"
  "Your name is Raven?" It was crazy how similar she and Reagan's names were.
  "Yes sir it is. What can I do for you?"
"Do you know a woman named Reagan?" He asked once he was one hundred percent sure he wasn't going crazy. She and Reagan looked so much alike.
  "No sir I don't."

   "Are you sure?"

   "Yes I'm pretty sure sir. Are you okay?"
 "Do you have a twin?"
  "Yes I do actually." The woman said realizing he must be mistaking her for her twin sister.
 "Her name isn't Reagan?"
  "No it's Rachel actually. Sir what's going on here?"
  "Nothing. Sorry to had bothered you." Hunter rushed over once the doctor entered.
He was told that Reagan white blood cells were going. The only way to attempt to save her was through blood transfusion. He wasn't a match so his sisters and mother both volunteered to get tested and neither of them were matches.
 "What does this mean doctor if we can't find her a donor?" Hunter asked.
 "It doesn't look good for her Hunter. I can't lie about that. If you want a fighting chance she needs a donor. A bone marrow donor would be good also. Her white blood cells has dropped tremendously. She needs a donor.” Hunter began to pace once the doctor left him. What in the hell was he going to do? He was finally able to see her two hours later. His heart stopped once he seen her in that bed. All kinds of tubes were poking out of her. She and the babies were in there for three weeks before he was able to take two of his babies home with him. Darlene volunteered to watch them while he was at the hospital with Ragean and there tiny daughter. She was only a pound and five ounces when born. And getting stronger by the day. He watched Raven as she was about to enter Reagan's room.
 "Have you ever been in here before?" Hunter asked as they both stopped in front of Reagan door.

   "No my first time."

   "I need to show you something." He said allowing her to enter first. All he did was point to the bed and her heart stopped.
 "This is the woman you thought I was?"
 "I at least thought you knew her." The woman pulled out her phone and called her sister.
  "Rachael get here quick."

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