Chapter 6

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Two hours later Reagan forced herself up and took a shower. Once she finished she put on her underwear climbed into the bed where a sleeping Hunter slept pulled the cover completely off him and just watched his naked body for a minute before climbing on top of him and kissing his neck. He stirred awake.
 "Hello Handsome." She said before kissing his lips.
 "Hey Beautiful."
"You ready?"
"For what?" He asked confused.
"Go swimming."
"You're serious?"
"Yes. You promised." She said poking out her bottom lip.
 "I did promise huh?" She nodded her head. "Okay. What time is it?"
  "Three o'clock."
"Okay I'm getting up." He sat up with her still straddling him. "I can't get in the shower with you on top of me Reagan."
  "I don't know if I want to move now." She said with a smirk.
 "It's either swimming or stay inside." She grind against him and he groaned.  "Reagan." He said through clenched teeth. "It's either move or I take you here and now." She took his bottom lip into her mouth. "Okay that's it." He took her by surprise when he flipped her into her back pressing his now hard cock against her middle.
  "Okay. Okay." She said. "Let's go swimming."
"I thought so." He said as he pulled himself up. He loved the sound of her laughter. She leaned on her elbow watching the naked man standing in front of her. Their eyes connected and she felt something. She wondered if he felt it also. Not liking the feeling she slid off the bed and continued to get dressed. For the next two days they spent the day together. Although he did make it to work he didn't stay all day like he usually did. There was something about this woman that had her staying on his mind all day. He was able to be himself with her. He didn't have to be the professional Hunter around her like everyone else expected from him. She bring out the goofy side in him. Something he himself didn't know he possessed. He never joked and laughed around anyone like he did with her. She was such a free spirit and it was rubbing off on him.
"So you ready for this meeting with Mr. Rogers?" Terry asked Hunter as they ate lunch.
 "Ready as I'll ever be." Hunter said with a sigh. Mr. Rogers was a complete dick. Hunter needed Rogers to sign over his restaurant in order for Hunter to expand his own restaurant. Rogers was a very wealthy man. He didn't need the restaurant he just loved the fact that Hunter wanted it and he had the power to sign it over or not. The restaurant was just sitting there on one of his many properties that he wasn't doing anything with. They were properties that he inherited from his father over the years. He didn't know how he was going to do it but he had to get this man to sign the property to him. This meant better expansion with his company. He couldn't just throw money at the man he was already filthy rich. Money was nothing to him. How was he going to do this?
 "Do you have a three?" Hunter asked.
 "Gold fish." Reagan peeked over her cards in her hand sure to cover her smile so Hunter couldn't see it. "Do you have a five?" Reagan asked. Hunter handed her the card and he shook his head once he realised he was losing.
 "How do you win every time?"
 "I didn't win yet. You still have a few more cards."
"I give up." He said not caring what she said. Smiling she began cleaning up the cards. Reagan knew that something was bothering him and she figured it had to do something with work.
 "So how was work?" Reagan asked. It took Hunter by surprise. She's never asked about his work before?
"It was okay. Couldn't stop thinking about you all day." He said with a sly smile.
 "Aww that's sweet. If it means anything I've been thinking about you also."
 "Aww that's sweet." He mocked as he climbed across the bed toward her. He kissed her gently on the lips.
"I know something is heavy on your mind. I seen it when u walked threw the door. You can talk to me if you want, I'm a good listener."
 "It's just something with work that's all."
 "I figured that much." She said smiling. "But we can talk about it." What could it hurt he thought to himself.
"I'm trying to open up a business but the guy I'm trying to buy from is being difficult."
 "Who is he?"
"Dean Rogers."
 "I've read about him. He's an ass." Laughing Hunter said.
"Yes he is."
 "He owns hundreds of property but not putting any use to them, but somehow he still seem to be making money." She said in a knowing voice. She knew his way of making money couldn't be legal.
"You know a lot about him."
"Yes and most of it isn't good. He looks like an old perv that likes to boss everyone around."
 "An old perv huh?" Hunter repeated loving the description she had given him.
"I bet he still isn't married."
 "Of course not. He's too stingy for that."
"I bet he likes young gorgeous women with big breast to." Chuckling he said.
 "He's the type of man where you have to beat him at his own game."
 "What do u mean?" He asked.
"Bring a young beautiful woman with you. Get her to flirt with him and have him believe he's stealing her away from you. It just might get him to sign."
"You think that'll work?" He asked. "I'll try anything."
"I can't promise but it couldn't hurt to try. Besides if he thinks that he's stealing a beautiful woman away from such a handsome man like yourself it's going to give him an ego boost."
 "This sounds like it just might work."
 "See, talking to someone actually helps." She said straddling his lap. She kissed him gently on the lips.
"Now to find that beautiful woman." He said looking at her. Her eyebrows shot up once she read what he wasn't saying.
"You want me to do it?"
  "Why not? You're young very beautiful and you have very nice size breast." She laughed at that.
  "Thirty-two D if you must know." She said and he chuckled. "And they're real."
"I do know."
 "I bet."
 "You have very nice breast."
 "Well thank you for the compliment but I can't do it." She tried to get off his lap but he held her there.
"Why not?"
"He's a perv..." She said as she scrunched up her face making him laugh.
  "That's why we're doing it."
 "I thought we were doing it to help your company?" She said as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

   "Well that to. Wouldn't it be great to get back at such an evil man though?"
"I'll do it to help you Hunter."
 "Thank you."
 "You owe me."
  "I'll pay you."
"Damn right you'll pay me, but with this." She said as she placed her hand between them cupping him. He groaned.
 "In that case I can pay you right now then."
"Good, and Hunter?"
 "I'm not a cheap date, so pay me right."
 "Yes ma'am." He said loving when she wanted him to take her long and hard.

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