Chapter 2

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Izuku Midoriya a once hero in training on the path to be one of the greatest heroes of his time, now sitting in a cell in....


Young Midoriya has been sitting in his cell for about god nose how long, only getting up to go eat in the cafeteria which wasn't good as on many occasions meeting not very friendly inmates, natures calling or to just crank out a workout as he told himself to try and stay in shape no matter the situation.

As the days passed he would increase his workout to become the best he could not letting the fact of all this free time he had. The boy had no problem in doing so as he knew he would most likely be in here for a while and thought he better not waste it sitting there moping about it.

Izuku was also told by some of the guards, if he doesn't cause any hassle for then and if he is on his best behaivior he then would be allowed to then go out into the yard which actually had a workout area and to socialize with the other inmates if you wanted to that it, also who are of course also on good behaivior. This doesn't help him feel safe any more than before as He was still on edge because well all the others are here actually FOR actually comitting serious crimes rather than himself.

It did take him another week of 'good behaivior' for him to be allowed out, at first he was quite suprised that a dangerous prison like BELE REVE to even allow inmates to be let out but he wasn't complaining, as long as he got fresh air and the workout equipment that he heard was quite fresh and up to date he was fine with whatever he had to do. Not kill anyone of course that was off the tables for him.

Izuku had already seen the yard himself passing by it many times but only had the privledge to be out and about in it once or twice, both times keeping well away from others not trying to cause any trouble to be jumped again as he was still trying to recover from the last attack.

You could see the young man as he was currently waiting for the guards to take the 'good' inmates out to the yard

So as the clocks hit 10 there was knocks at his cell door just like clock work.

Guard: *bang* *bang* Inmate! stand against the wall with your hands on your head do it NOW.

With that said Izuku does exactly what he's been told to do and is up against the wall. I hear the slat on the door open then close soon after making sure he was following their orders which he was, then there was loud soumds of the locks of the cell door and the door slowly opening as it was no small door.

Guard: Alright Midoriya no funny business alright?

Izuku: No funny business Paul.

The guard now known as Paul could only smile at the nice lad he has gotten to know over the few weeks he's known him

Paul: Good.

On que Paul comes in and puts heavy cuffs on me, then leads me out of my cell to David who was waiting with his usual smile and hands tucked in on his belt always.

David: lets get going shall we Midoriya?

Izuku then motions foward the best he can with his restraints having a small smile that he could muster in these circumstances wanting to get today over and done with not seeing himself doing much today but his usual routine

Izuku: Please. lead the way.

They lead the way as the three talked during the way and our green haired friend found himself pretty lucky to get these guys as his guards following that he was on good behaviour, real down to earth people.

Paul: Say Midoriya you mind if I ask you a personal question?

Izuku: Sure man what do you want to know?

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