Chapter 4

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Here we are looking in on an infimary

This just so happens to be Belle Reves infimary where our not so little cinnamon roll is just wakening up from a long slumber.

Izuku was just coming round as he was able to pick up a faint beeping.

He began to open his eyes but was blinded by the lights that dangled above him.

Getting used to them Izuku sat up slowly looking about the room he was currnetly in and giving a big yawn while doing so

Izuku: *yawns* Man that was definitely something alright.

As Izuku lay there for some reason he couldn't shift that what happened was all in his head and just had one of the craziest dreams yet

But when Izuku brought up his arm chuckling to himself as he scratched his head he was stopped mid scratch as he layed eyes apon something on his arm. His forearm to be exacted

But there it lay, a tattoo. Not just any tattoo but the very one Naruto had put on him

Izuku: H-H-How?!

The boy couldn't believe.

Letting out a sigh Izuku brought his arm back down his his side and began thinking out loud to himself

Izuku: So that wasn't a dream? Yet it was in my mind, that Naruto guy said so.

He went on for another 5 minutes of thinking on what had happened but finally left it B for the time being and decided to get moving.

Izuku slowly got up straight and tried to get off the bed, but his legs buckled under himself and with quickly grabbing hold of the cabinet beside him to prevent face planting on the cold tiled floor he sat back on the bed waiting for his legs to wake up

Izuku: Guess my legs are still not awake yet...shit.

After a few minutes of trying to jump start his own legs they finally came around

So getting prepared Izuku stood on his two feat and hoisted himself up and walked slowly, not wanting to push himself right of the bat.

And as walking a few feet something had caught Izukus eye nearly missing it as he almost walked right passed it.

Izuku: Hmmm. I havent seen my gains properly, let's see if it was all worth it.

The boy now standing in front of the mirror was in shock looking at himself and he'll be honest. 

Izuku: Not bad. Not bad at all.

Izuku proceeded to take a closer look holding on to the cabinet beneath him as he leaned in closer to the mirror checking all his angles

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Izuku proceeded to take a closer look holding on to the cabinet beneath him as he leaned in closer to the mirror checking all his angles

Then after everything new was looked at by the end of his scan he was wearing a giant smile at the (good) change that had happened over the time he's been there

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