Chapter 3

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Izuku has been sitting in BELE REVE
For at least a few months now, he really didn't keep count and to tell you the truth the past couple weeks Izuku had a decent time apart from the 'other' times he had experienced

The boy had good meals, laughs with his new friends even got into a few fights which was annoying but kept he never stopped pushing on, yet it wasn't the best when the other inmates would get together and jump him, he personally thought it was a dick move but hey it's prison what can you do.

With in those weeks Izuku had certainly grown more than before, putting on a few inches and putting on more muscle from the extra workouts and eating the food to help boost it

And as a bonus he gained some confidence to actually ask for help from Floyd and the others for training to better himself where they were more than happy to accept.

Also Izuku could happily say that big tough Slade was very slowly warming up to him as he could now get a few words maybe even a simple talk out of him than just his usual grunts.....PROGRESS!

Back to present day where our not so little cinnamon roll now had just woken up, flipping his legs around placing them on the cold concrete floor he knew so well.

He then continued to sit there for a few more minutes just missing all the good things he once had.....specially his mum

It had really hit him hard when he was never actually able to say goodbye or even a hug her when this all happened. Oh he missed her cooking, the katsudons and currys she could make would blow your socks off.

Izuku: I wonder how long my sentence is?

Done having a moment to himself not wanting to bring more pain to himself. Izuku got up starting his usual with cranking out his morning workout, getting warmed up for today because he was gonna need it big time for what's to come.

Finishing just in time for the yard he got up and dressed then got picked up being escorted while making small talk to the yard preparing himself for a beating from Slade.

Finally making it to the yard, he set off in the direction of where they were waiting for him, spotting them he greeted the lot with his usual smile and waved eager to train with them once more and become better

Izuku: Hey guys!

Croc: Just on time Izuku.

George: Yeah mate, ready for another beat down!

Izuku: We'll see I'm bringing my
A-game today so don't be surprised if i put one of yous on your ass!

Slade: HA! don't make me laugh.

Floyd was quick to elbow him in the side giving him a glare but turns back to Izuku with hid usual soft smile.

Floyd: I like that attitude kid.

George: So today Izuku we're going to be kicking it up a notch from your usual training with us. And so we're putting you up agains Slade.

Izuku could be seen to fidget abit unsure if he was ready for such a man with great skill as he's seen him in friendly spars or other inmates thinking there tough, so he hasn't been able to study him as much as the others since he ends them quick and he himself only sparred with George and Floyd.

Izuku himself seen Slade stand in front of him, a few feet away ready to start. As the other 3 step off to the side not wanting to get in their way

Floyd: so let's get this training started shall we.

Izuku gives Floyd a nod and with in a second later Izuku is already on the attack, unleashing a fury of punches which all were dodged by Slade with Incredible speed not to mention his flexibility in these moments were outstanding as he dodged Izukus last attack and was already throwing his own aiming for the boys chest, luckily Izuku seen this coming at the last second managing to jump back missing the fist barely

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