Chapter 11

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Izuku still covering his eyes he lets out a groan as he felt the pain go through his body another time with the quick movement.

His eyes getting adjusted he lowered his arm down gently in not having more pain for himself and shuffled his way and turning, closing the door not letting the cold in.

With his back turned Izuku heard no talking, none at all. Just silence.

Turning he found no one at all. The common room was fully deserted. Izuku felt some confusion with this as it was a sunday and not one person was in sight during the afternoon?

Though the boy didn't dwell on it for long as he made his way slowly over to the kitchen and grabbed himself a cup out of the cuboard.

Flipping the tap, water poured into his cup filling it to the brim. Izuku now placed the cup off to the side as he brought up a bag putting in on the counter top and opening it then bringing out 3 small boxes.

Opening one of them he brought out a strip of pills, getting two out he chucked them in the mouth and swallowed them down the hatch with water.

Taking a few extra gulps finishing the cup he placed it in the drying rack and goes to the fridge opening it to find it stacked to the brim with glorious food.

Izuku: Guess I didn't need to go shopping.

But quickly remembering he also had things he wanted for himself making him sulk.

Izuku: I'll go another time then.

But with Izuku closing the door of the fridge something caught his eye that had a lable on it. And it just happened to be his name written on it in green pen.

Izuku: For me?

Izuku taking the little folded piece of paper off the fridge. He was about to open it and read it when out of no where near enough the whole class came marching straight towards the common room talking amongst themselfs.

Now Izukus hearing may be quite good but there was way too much chatter for him to hear and all that he did get from it was something about them planning an event.

About half of them got into the common room and all chatter was toned down to a near half of it stopping. down a fair bit noticing Izuku was back and in the kitchen area. Then the other half ended up Freezing like a deer in headlights when they layed eyes apon the occupied green mop of hair looking in the fridge, none being able to see his current condition. Which Izuku could really feel what had happened.

After they all started doing there own thing, there attention off of Izuku, he was able to get back to the important side.

He took the note off of the bowl and flipped it open and began to read it.

*Start of Note*

I seen you weren't at dinner and was told you had went out.. So making sure you didn't miss dinner and went hungry I made something for you. Take it as a little welcome back gift.

P.S It's in the microwave.

*End of Note*

Izuku then looked up and hovered over to the class as the note never had the persons name on it. And was curious to who ever done this kind gesture.

Coming back to the note he folded it again neatly, putting it in his torn up shorts from the fight.

Going over to the microwave he opens it and finds a large bowl, Izuku going with that was it took out a large bowl.

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