Chapter 10

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As Izuku felt absultely exausted he couldn't fight the urge no longer and let his eyes shut on him, which just happened to scare his mother and Midnight deeply as they thought the worst.

Inko: Izuku. Izuku! Oh no no no.

Inko began to freak out as she was thinking her baby boy. HER LITTLE BABY BOY was drifting off to not wake again and started to cry.

Inko: Nemuri! What do we do!?

Midnight never seen this coming and was on the verge of joining the sons mother in freaking out but began to shake him to make sure.

Midnight: Midoriya *shake* Midoriya *shake*.

Again no answer and her heart was in her throat she gave the poor boy a big slap that she never really ment in the spur of the moment while shouting his name

Midnight: Izuku! *SLAP*

Then Izukus eyes shot open wide and he jolted up that ended up bad in him in a massive amount of pain as he let it be known with a loud cry out that was heard by Inko and Midnight loud and clear.

Izukus eyes scanned everywhere until getting that one of them slapped him and giving another heavy sigh

The woman were inched away from him happy he wasn't dead but heard he was trying to speak so inched a little closer eager to hear his words

Izuku: T... T... Tir......

Near enough dozing off again until Inko chimed in to help her boy.

Inko: Tired? Is that it Izuku.

Izuku gave him mother a tired nod

Midnight coming to the relisation of it felt horrible in slapping him in the swing of panic

Midnight: Oh my goodness I am so sorry Midoriya!

The Young Hero started to feel guilty at her actions but was quickly stopped by Izukus hand on hers signally it was ok. He brought it back to the ground as he tried to lower himself down to the ground but couldn't as it just resulted in another pained groan where they heard again and both got one hand behind him to support Izuku

Midnight: Hey don't push yourself there.

Inko: We got you Izuku.

They both helped him lower back down to his previous spot and layed there waiting for the medics to get to their location.

Then out of no where there was a massive crash not so far from them as something had just crashed there with debris going everywhere and dust covering what or who had just showed up to the party.

Then out of no where there was a massive crash not so far from them as something had just crashed there with debris going everywhere and dust covering what or who had just showed up to the party

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Izuku tensed and both who acompanied him could see it so were quick to mkve more in front of him wanting no more damge to be done.

Although words came from the dust cloud that they all have heard dozens of times

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