Chapter 8

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In Mustafu you could just tell by looking out the window that it was going to be another cracking day as it was just nice blue skies and a nice heat that came with it and who couldn't complain about that?

Well our Izuku that's who and that he was out of bed just admiring the great morning

So with a good long stretch and the crack he was looking for he smiled

Izuku: *crack* ahhhh there we go, just what I needed.

Then Izuku quickly got himself into a nice pair of comfortable shorts and a t-shirt, as the boy really was not up to anything for the day as he had no plans. Only thing he might end up is going to the market and picking up a few things he'll need for later then a slim chance of a quick workout but was very slim as sundays were more of his off days but never ruled them out

Izuku: I'm getting way to far ahead of myself it's only what?

Izuku then took a quick look at his clock and noticed that it was only 7 in the morning and was starting to feel quite hungry

Izuku: Well before I should grab some breakfast to start of the day.

Izuku got out of his dorm room and started heading down stairs and made it to the common room to suprisingly find it completely empty

Izuku: They all still must be in bed.

As Izuku grabbed his breakfast and started to eat his granola he couldn't help remember everything that has happened, Now he's happy that he got out of prison but the scars he got still lie

Yet when he tries to forget he just can't seem to and when he tries, more seem to come when he was told he did those things and what all his 'friends' did to him and said. It still hurts to remember all that was said

As Izuku sits there you can see a single tear come down his left eye

He seems to notice has he wipes it away aggressively

Izuku: *sniff* Well if They all think an apology will heal the scars i've got, they'll just need to work alot harder.

With that Izuku left to go on his journey and collect all the things he'll need for his future munchies

As Izuku was walking down the streets head high happy for himself being able to do this again, just walk down the street and breathe in the fresh air

But with making it a good distance to the market without a hitch where his mum told him give out the best fresh ingrediants you could buy yet a good third of the way started to relise that some people were actually looking at him, at first he thought it was the casual look up but soon relised more and more were not looking but staring at him with disgusted looks and some clearly wore anger

He honestly didn't know what it was but soon found out was quickly as he heard a couple of them talking amongst themselfs. Some were hard to hear from all the chatter but heard a few of them

Civilian: Isn't that the traitor of UA?

Civilian 2: Yeah what is that traitor doing out!?

Izuku didn't want any trouble so he just put his head down and kept on heading to the market not trying to bring attention to himself

Yet every corner the boy turned there would still be people who some how noticed him and spoke not very nicely of him. Some pointed, some stared but it hurt when they shouted at him

Civilian: TRAITOR!

Civilian 2: Someone call a hero, we have a wanted criminal here!

This went on for the time for Izuku until he finally got to the market in quick time due to the angry mob forming behind him, luckily when he got to the start of the market it was great as the people around were either too busy selling their items or people were buying their daily shop

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