Chapter 7

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Izuku is just waking up from his surprisingly good night of sleep for once without any troubles through the night that he was happy for

Izuku: *yawns* I gotta say that was better than I thought.

The boy continues to scan his room and whatever there was of a good morning was gone as all he was met with was all of his old All Might merch which wasn't pleasing to say the least

Now for Izuku it was different he couldn't really tell at the moment on what he himself was feeling towards his once idol All Might. Was it anger or was it sadness yet he didn't want to dwell on the matter anymore. He just wanted to move on with life but everyone couldn't see that and kept bugging him for forgiveness which he certainly understood but wanted some time at least to try and get back into the swing of things until doing so

But again he just slowly free'd his mind then jumped in a nice hot shower that was very needed.

Finishing up he jumped out drying himself off and getting into some of his new clothes that Nezu had bought him and was thankful as they were quite nice on him not too baggy, not too tight just perfect the way
he liked it

He then looked up and one look at the clock he came out with a sigh as it was only coming up 7 in the god damn morning oh he hated the prison routine as they were no sleep ins or that meant no breakfast back in Belle Reve

Izuku: Well. Better get some food in me.

Izuku gets down stairs noticing no one else was up at the moment which was better for him at the moment and whipped up scrambled egg and a few good slices of toast

After his breakfast he goes back to his room and looks at all the stuff that lays there

Izuku: Nothing gonna get done if I'm just standing here. Better get this all cleaned up now. Because if i leave it now i know for sure i won't do it.

The boy couldn't help but chuckle at himself as he began to clear his entire room out of all the rubbish only keeping things he really wanted. And in about an hour or so later of he was making great progress in having near enough half packed up perfectly waiting to be sold or whatever he wanted with it really

With clearing out all his toys he ends up having a two box's full of them and was wandering what to do with them as it would be a waste to chuck them out and break them...Then it hit me

Izuku: If I'm remembering right and I'm pretty sure i am, Asui said her siblings love All Might.

Getting the box secured and taped up Izuku grabbed it and made his my to the girls side and made it it to her floor in quick time to deliver them

I'm currently in front of Asuis room and am hesitant at first really not wanting to talk to any of them but i man up and knock

Izuku: *knock* *knock*

Izuku waited a minute for her to come to the door but she never did so he knocked again a little louder than before this time

Izuku: *knock!* *knock!*

A few seconds after If she didn't come to the door and answer it this time he was just going to leave it till later not wanting to wake her if she was sleeping

As he was about to leave it and make his departure he heard some shuffling coming towards the door

Asui: *opens door* Yes wh- Midoriya? *Ribbit*

Izuku: Hello Asui.

There was a few seconds of silence as Asui couldn't find the words as Izuku was probably the last person she would see at her door

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