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I slipped through the empty hallway, mumbling a happy tune that was popular these days. I had just finished another detention with McGonnagall and for some reason she decided to just let me sit and read. Which was absolutely great, and extremely suspicious, now that I think about it.

The hallway was empty and I realised it was almost time for dinner. I paused and looked at my watch, I had ten minutes before I had to- my sentence was stopped short when a sweaty hand clamped over my mouth and before I could react I was asleep.

When I awoke, I was in someplace dark. I couldn't see anything but I could feel people around me. Probably because whoever was there was breathing so loudly. Suddenly they all started sniggering and I could feel my cheeks reddening from anger and embarrassment. There was a cloth tied around my mouth so I couldn't talk, I also felt my arms tied behind my back - without rope. Magic.

"She's awake, finally. I thought you said that it would make her sleep for a bit." A strange voice said, obviously someone I didn't know. I furrowed my brows trying to see if that voice was familiar but I couldn't place it.

Someone scoffed, "Oh sorry, do I look like I know how to make a sleeping potion? I don't take potions anymore!" Another voice said, a deep familiar voice. But at the same time I had no idea who it was and it was annoying me.

The cloth was ripped out of my mouth and I erupted, "Excuse me but who the hell do you think you are? Are you insane?" I said and tried to kick whoever ripped the cloth.

"Like what? Kill her?" The other voice scoffed.

"Why would we kill her when we could ruin her life instead?" A sarky voice said instead. I knew this voice, I could recognise it anywhere.

Suddenly the light flickered on and four people stood. Mulciber, Crabbe, Avery and the worst of all Kenneth Williams. It was like somebody took a knife and stabbed it deep into my heart, took it out and did it again. A thousand times.

"W-what...what the hell is going on?" I wheezed, barely able to utter a few words. I wanted to cry right then and there but I held myself, I wouldn't allow them to have the pleasure of seeing me cry.

"What do you think Josie? You ruined my life. You turned everyone against me. What's going on you ask? A little thing called revenge, love." Kenneth said, inching his face towards mine and grinning crazily at me.

My heart sped up, I had never been so terrified in my life. This was sheer, pure terror. The people standing before me were utterly insane and they probably didn't even see it. I wasn't going to let them know that I was scared.

I raised an eyebrow at him, "Okay, then. We know why you're here what about you two? Hmm, care to share with us? I'm especially curious about why you're here Avery, since I never openly did anything to you." I said, smirking. I didn't know how I was able to speak properly but I somehow could.

Kenneth licked his lips, looking a bit defeated about the fact that I didn't look or act scared despite the fact that Kenneth scared me more than Mulciber and Avery. Crabbe was more annoying than scary.

Mulciber laughed, "I told you I'd get you didn't I blood traitor? You proud blood traitor, thinking you're so great. Thinking you're so smart. You're not. You're nothing but filth." He said glaring at me, "and it's time for you to pay."

Avery snickered, "Why am I here? Because I'm bored and I hate disgusting blood traitors like you. Does that answer your question?" He said and then took out his wand and stared at me, happily.

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