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Surprise! I'm rewriting Poppy's Secret! But I'm going to keep the original up and I'll still continue writing Searching For The Light, in case you guys are curious. There are going to be some changes, like I might add Branch's mom, who'd still be alive, but it still takes place before the first movie, the baby's name is Flower, and Flower will be with Branch when they get attacked by the Chef. And after I see the actual movie, I might write a version of Trolls World Tour with both Flower and Willow in it. After that clip from the Graham Norton show, I can imagine how Flower would react to her parents arguing about weapons...

Princess Poppy of the Trolls was always an early riser. She could stay up all night, and still be ready by 6:30 AM. Some often wondered if she ever slept at all.

But something was different that morning. After a whole night of partying, Poppy couldn't find it in her to get out of bed. All she wanted was to stay in, cuddled up underneath her fluffy blankets. As she felt a small pain in her abdomen, the young Troll slightly opened one of her rosy eyes and noticed that her clock read "9:45."

"Oh, my gosh! I slept in!" she exclaimed, and jumped out of bed without hesitation. She made and ate toast (with ranch sauce instead of jam), took a shower, brushed her teeth, brushed her hair, put on sparkly green dress and headband, and looked out her pod window.

When I wake up in the morning, friends

And the sunlight hurts my eyes

And something without warning, friends

Bears heavy on my mind

The problem was, Poppy didn't know what was bothering her. It was an unusual feeling, like her body knew something her mind didn't.

"Good morning, Poppy!" Creek, one of her oldest and dearest friends, called out. Poppy waved shyly and stepped outside.

Then I look at you

And the world's alright with me

Just one look at you

And I know it's gonna be

A lovely day

lovely day, lovely day, lovely day

As the rest of the village sang louder, Poppy found herself feeling nauseated and ran off into the woods to throw up in a nearby stream. Poppy had caught a cold when she was a child, but she never had a stomach bug. But she couldn't question it, she just focused more on puking out everything she ate in the past eleven hours.

"Feeding the fish?" a familiar voice said sarcastically. Poppy turned around to find Branch, the grouchy village recluse. Unlike most Trolls, he lived in an underground survival bunker in the woods instead of a colorful seed pod, and he was the only Troll who wouldn't sing, dance, or even hug.

"Hi, Branch!" Poppy greeted. "How's your day so far?"

"It was fine, until someone caused the entire village to start making noise to expose us to bloodthirsty Bergens!"

Poppy's Secret (REWRITE)Where stories live. Discover now