Poppy's Birthday

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Cyan was worried. She hadn't heard from Branch for over a month. So, she did what any concerned mother would do: show up to his house uninvited. And brought a Troll infant she was babysitting with her.

“Oh, Branch?" she called as she made her way inside his bunker. “You doing okay, sweetheart?"

Branch groaned as he heard his mother's voice. “How many times have I told you to knock?"

“I got worried, that's what mothers do when their sons hide away from them," she pointed out.

“Well, you can calm down," Branch assured her. “I wasn't hiding from you."

Cyan raised an eyebrow. “Then why have you been in here for the past... forty-one days?"

Branch sighed. “I just needed some time alone."

“I don't think it's good for you," she said. “Ever since we lost your grandmother, you've been distancing yourself from your fellow Trolls, including me. You don't know what you're missing. Wouldn't you like to have friends, hobbies, maybe a special lady?"

Branch couldn't help but blush, given his situation. And Cyan noticed immediately.

“Branch, did you actually find someone?!" she gasped loudly.

“Uh... more or less," he admitted. “It's just that our... relationship has taken an unexpected turn, and I'm not sure what to do about it."

“Well, you could talk to her, I'm sure the two of you will find a solution," Cyan suggested, gently bouncing the baby up and down.

I can't believe I'm about to do this, Branch thought to himself before asking, “Mom, is it okay if I hold him?"

“Don't see why not," she replied, and handed the baby over to her son. “His name is Keith."

“Hi, Keith," Branch greeted nervously. The child looked up at him with a creepy expression, making Branch nervous. “What's wrong with him?"

“He's just different, like you," Cyan answered. Branch just glared at her. “Okay, forget I said that."

Branch rolled his eyes and looked at Keith, who let his head fall as he began to sleep. Branch gently held it back up as the infant snored loudly.

“You know, this is the longest I've seen you with a child without panicking," Cyan said. “I'm sure with some practice, you could eventually be a good parent."

Branch wasn't sure how to respond. He only knew he was going to be a father, but he didn't think he'd be a good one.

But there was something he could do.

“Hey, Mom, just out of curiosity, what's been going on with the princess lately?"


It's your birthday you don't have to do nothin'

The time has come and it's finally here

Poppy's Secret (REWRITE)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें