Bonus Chapter!

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Surprise, I wrote a bonus chapter. I know, it's short. Enjoy.

“You won't last a day out there."

“And you won't last a day in here," Poppy fired back with a smirk on her pretty face. Branch looked around and noticed all of the other Trolls trashing his bunker. “Solid burn returned."

Branch's eyes widened as Poppy went to kiss Flower goodbye. He underestimated this woman.

“Okay, hun, I'd like a complimentary continental breakfast," Willow said, writing in a notepad. “And make sure my coffee is blacker than my hair. Or, at least, half of it."

To make sure he remembered, she ripped off the note, licked the back of it, and stuck it on the tip of his large nose.

“You'll be good while Mommy's gone, won't you, Flower?" Poppy said with a silly voice. Flower giggled in response. “I'd take you with me, but I don't wanna see you get hurt by the big, bad Bergens. I love you so much!"

“Wuboo," Flower babbled as her mother kissed her nose and headed for the elevator.

“Um, uh, Poppy wait," King Peppy stammered, stopping Poppy. Branch noticed them and assumed he was going to stop her from going. Instead, the old king said, “Please be careful."

Wow, didn't see that coming, Branch thought. He expected King Peppy to be more reluctant to let his daughter risk her life just to save nine Trolls.

“Don't worry, Dad," Poppy assured him. “I can do this."

“I love you, Poppy," he said quietly as she hugged him.

“I love you too, Dad," she replied.

Branch was beginning to feel terrible. He should've agreed to go with her. Perhaps he still could. If not for her father, than for Flower. She needed her mother, and if anyone could protect her on a dangerous journey, it was him. Branch had to go.

“Bye, everybody!" Poppy said loudly, getting everyone's attention. “See you soon!"

“Good luck, Princess Poppy!" the other Trolls cheered as Branch made his way through the crowd.

Poppy looked at her Hug Time bracelet and whispered to herself, “And three, two, one."

“Hug Time!" King Peppy shouted as everyone's bracelets went off. Heading up the elevator and out of the bunker, Poppy watched as poor Branch was swarmed by hug-thirsty Trolls.

“No... No!"


After a couple more Hug Times, Branch had finished searching his bunker for the things he needed to bring along on Poppy's mission. Right before he could leave, he had to say goodbye to his daughter.

“Flower? Where's Flower?" Branch called out. He found her crying in her crib, hiding her face with her hands. “Shh, shh, it's okay. It's okay."

After a few bounces, Flower calmed down.

“I hate to leave you," he whispered, “but someone has to help Mommy. I want you to be a good girl to Grandpa, okay? You can do that for me, right?"

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