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"Hey, Doctor-Optometrist-Dude, what size contact lens do you make?" Willow asked over the phone.

"We make all sizes. The average contact lens is about the size of a little button."

"You got any the size of a clover leaf?" Willow wondered.

"Miss, there is no eyeball that size."

"Wanna bet?" Willow said, smirking. She heard a beep and realized another call was coming in. "Would you hold, please? Thanks. Hello? Branch?! You never call me! What's the word, hummingbird?"

"Don't call me hummingbird. Have you heard from Poppy today?"

"Can't say I have," Willow replied. "I know that guy Creek is back in town, and I'm starting to think she still hasn't told him she's pregnant."

"So, he's the only Troll who doesn't know? Interesting."

Willow was confused by his tone. "How is that interesting?"

"Uh, no reason," Branch lied. There had to have been a reason, he just wasn't sure what it was. "Well, if you do see her, tell her I need to talk to her, and I'd rather we'd be alone."

"Why don't you just call her, then?" Willow asked.

"I don't 'just call' people, Willow."

"Then, why did you call me?"

"To avoid looking at you."

"You can still hear me," Willow pointed out with a smug grin. "And my annoying voice is gonna get stuck in your head... all... day... long."

Branch stayed silent for five seconds before replying, "Just shut up."

Willow switched between calls, feeling satisfied.

"You still there, Doc?" Willow asked the optometrist. "If you don't believe me, how about I come down to your office?"


Branch was just about to knock on Poppy's door when he heard a strange muttering. He pressed his ear against it and heard Poppy's voice.

"Just go to your happy place, Poppy!" she whimpered. Branch decided to skip knocking and stepped inside to find her scrapbooking at her desk. He approached her slowly and cleared his throat. She was surprised, at first, but sighed in relief when she saw who it was.

"You okay?" Branch asked with concern.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Poppy replied with a fake smile. Branch pointed to all the scrapbooks filled with cute pictures of kittens and unicorns. "Fine. No, I'm not okay."

"Willow told me about Creek coming back," Branch said. "He doesn't know, does he?"

Poppy sighed. "I was gonna tell him, but he left before I got the chance to. What if he thinks I betrayed him?"

Poppy's Secret (REWRITE)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang