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Two months. Poppy hadn't heard from Willow for two months. Then again, she never bothered talking to her. Poppy just focused more on finding someone willing to raise the baby, but she had no luck. Although most of the village was still oblivious of her pregnancy, Poppy couldn't hide her swollen abdomen without wearing a large sweater.

Poppy went back to the doctor that afternoon, and Cyan went with her for emotional support. All she didn't know was that the baby was her grandchild.

“I need you to lie down, Princess Poppy," the doctor instructed. Poppy did what she was told and the doctor squirted sparkly gel on her stomach and rubbed a bug against it. The bug giggled at the tingling sensation.

“You see that?" Cyan said, pointing at a screen. It showed something about the size of a small fruit, with tiny arms and legs that barely moved.

“That's my baby?" Poppy asked in awe.

Cyan nodded. “That's your baby!"

“Looks like you've been taking good care of it," the doctor said. “If you'd like, we can tell you the sex when you come back in six weeks."

Poppy looked away nervously. “I don't know if I'm ready for that."

“You have over a month to think it over," Cyan reassured her. “Maybe then, you'll be more sure."

As they left the medical pod, Cyan noticed Poppy adjusting her orange sweatshirt to make her baby bump less visible.

“Princess Poppy, you have nothing to hide," she tried to convince her. “If you let them, everyone will see what a radiant mommy-to-be you are."

“Or they'll see what a radiant mess I am," Poppy said glumly. “Mrs. Birchwood, this should've happened later in my life, when I'm married, when I'm actually ready..."

“No one's ever ‘actually ready,'" Cyan explained. “You could plan having a baby for ten years, and the moment it happens will still be nerve-wracking. Princess Poppy, do you really want to give the baby up?"

“I... I don't know," Poppy admitted. “But I feel like I have to."

“And the father?" Cyan asked.

“I still haven't told him," Poppy replied.

“You can't keep this to yourself forever," Cyan said. “You'll have to confess sooner or later."

Suddenly, Poppy noticed Harper, a young artist, drop some paints. Most of them were black and purple, like a certain young Troll Poppy hadn't heard from.

Poppy sighed. “You're right. But first, I have to do something."


Willow was sitting by herself on a log in the woods, holding a video camera and humming a sad song to herself. She felt like she was completely alone in the world.

“Umm... Willow?"

The teenager looked up to see the Troll princess walking up to her remorsefully.

“What, are you back for more?" she asked sarcastically.

“I'm sorry," Poppy said. “I can't blame my hormones for what I said. You were just trying to be a good friend, and I was a total jerk to you. And... and I don't expect you to forgive me. You can hate me all you want, because I was ungrateful and I hurt you. And... And..."

Poppy's Secret (REWRITE)Where stories live. Discover now