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Next day was on a Sunday. I was home feeling lonely and bored after mass at the church. My cousin would never attend church, instead,he went gambling at the market casino and my grandma was in her bedroom, perhaps asleep having fatigued by the walk to and from the church not far away!

I took my guitar and walked slowly towards a public rain forest a few yards from the brown storey building.
As I trotted,I was trying to figure out how possibly Jesus had turned water into wine something I had heard the father say earlier at church.

I reached at a place that was peaceful to the mind. A place where  trees had been cleared and grass had sprouted evenly making the ground adorably green and tender.
The weather was calm.

All I could see was a few tree stumps over the short dark green grass. I sat on a random stump and placed my gat on my lap and begun to play it with a plectrum while singing a song I had written;

Love is a beautiful thing
Love know no limit yeah
I love you unconditionally
Loving you is all my hope
To you is where I belong

I was enjoying the echo of my own voice deep into the woods surrounding me along with the chirping of the birds. As I sang,my voice went louder and louder gaining momentum.
The air,as I sung, turned musical.

I felt the intensity of every word that I articulated.

I did not stop singing.

Something stopped me.

A soft touch on my both shoulders. I turned only to see that Esther's cute face facing me. Our eyes locked for almost a minute. I wanted to just gaze into her eye's brown and alluring decor forever.

She did not blink either.

I felt like I'd known her in ages although this was the second time I was seeing her.

"Why did you stop?"She squeaked trying to suppress annoyance in her face.

"Hey..huh...Esther,you frightened me"I said absent mindedly.
Usually, when I saw a beautiful girl, I used to be nervous and could not literally focus with them around especially before we got used to each other.
Generally, I feared beautiful women. I was only able to deal with this situation by the help of my therapist, Ms Maureen. She used to call it caligynephobia, a mental disorder.

However, even after that, looking at her face,she still managed to send extreme shivers down my backbone.

"What are you doing here?" I huskily muttered.

"I came to hunt" she said, her voice squeaky.

I realised that she was holding a bow and at her back was a quiver filled with arrows. She'd clad in black tights and a black leather jacket that fitted her lean veteran looking body perfectly.

"I would ask you the same thing,"she enquired.

"Sometimes I enjoy to sing in a tranquil environment and I thought here would suit me well,"
I explained trying to be courteous.

"Your voice is magical"She articulated showing an impassive expression on her face.

I smiled at her with gratitude.

I was staring at her full, watery lips when she hissed placing her index finger across them.

She turned her head carefully trying to focus on something.

I looked at her gaze and saw a shaken thicket about a hundred metres from where we were.

Everything that followed happened so quickly.
She took an arrow from her quiver and not seeming to aim shot at the thicket.

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