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Ariella painted the walls of the attic royal blue, and the ceiling silver. The witch occasionally glanced at the useless things that she had set aside for throwing away. When she found that she was now lacking in paint, she transfigured the items into paint and paint brushes. The triangular shape of the ceiling only made things more interesting for her, and she stuck glow in the dark stars on the ceiling. The brunette assembled the bed she had bought in London, and shrunk it so that it would be easy to carry around, and placed it in the corner.

She also transfigured a small bedside table, which she painted silver, and placed it near the bed. Afterwards, she transfigured a closet that had an Undetectable Extension Charm on it so that all her things could be placed inside. She painted the cabinet a silver so that it would contrast with the blue walls. Ariella decided that she would place her things inside the closet after she would be finished with everything in her room.

Ariella made a dresser complete with a vanity and a chair. The velvet of the chair was blue and the dresser itself was white. She decided against the silver because she like it was becoming too overused. She also made a silver shelf (numerous ones) to place her books in. Finally, she created a small study corner for her to use whenever it was needed. Ariella stretched, feeling the pain of moving too much. Sighing, she levitated her clothes and made them arranged themselves neatly on the closet with clothing racks. When she was finished, she was reminded of a department store.

Giggling to herself, Ariella stepped out of her closet and closed its doors. She also levitated her make up to her vanity and neatly arranged them. Afterwards, she breathed a sigh of relief and lied down on her bed. She perked up again when she remembered the stack of books laying on the bottom of her trunk. After placing the books in its rightful place, she heard a knock on her trapdoor. She opened it and was surprised to see her sister.

"Charlie told me to come get you for dinner." Bella snarled at her then quickly left. Ariella shook her head in sadness. She didn't, and probably never will understand her sister and why she hated her so much. All Ariella has done to her was treat her with kindness. The least she could do was be civil with her. Sighing, Ariella changed into an oversized shirt and a pair of shorts. She went down and sat on the chair beside Charlie. The Swans ate dinner in silence, an uncomfortable silence.

"Ariella." Charlie cleared his throat. "I – uhm – I enrolled you in Forks High School."

Bella nearly choked on her food. "You – what?!"

Ariella looked surprised. "You did? But Dad, I literally just graduated from school."

"I know, honey, but you need normal company as well." Charlie said, truly looking sorry.

Ariella reeled back, offended at his choice of words. Bella laughed at this. "Yeah, Ariella, you need normal company. All you've been hanging out with is freaks. You know, like you! Those friends of yours are probably emo and totally anti-social. I bet they're only friends with you out of pity."

"Isabella!" Charlie exclaimed, shocked at her words. Ariella glared at her sister. She slammed her plate down on the table, successfully breaking it and the tips of her hair floated. Ariella leveled her breathing, trying to get her hair to calm down. She could totally take insults about her any time, but any insults towards her friends who had basically raised her since she was eleven was like asking for a death wish.

"Listen, Isabella." Bella grimaced at the sound of her full name. "I don't care about what you think about me. But don't talk shit about my friends, you understand that?"

Charlie looked uncomfortable, but he knew that Ariella had the right to chastise her sister. Bella said wrong things. Ariella threw one last glare at her sister before letting her hair calm down. The tips of her hair turned red from her anger, and she slowly willed it to return to its normal state. She stormed to her room and locked it using magic. Ariella cried herself to sleep that night.

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