Chapter 23

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Ariella clutched her wand tightly and waved it in the air. Breathing in, she felt the air currents around her change directions. Opening her eyes, which was now a wondrous color of purple, she chanted, "Fructum Caliga."

A pair of thigh high boots flew from Jasper's window to Ariella's hands. Jasper stared at the boots in surprise. Ariella smirked at his reaction. She slipped on the boots and stood up. "Come on, Alice and the others must be waiting for us already."

A few minutes later they were all already in the clearing. Bella stared at her sister uncertainly. Ariella paid no mind to her sister and looked at the game happening. She threw a quick wink of good luck to her mate before heading to where Esme was. Emmett laughed playfully at Edward.

"Was that you we heard, Edward?" Esme asked Edward as she approached him, Ariella following her.

"Kind of sounded like a bear choking." Ariella rolled her eyes.

"That was him alright." Bella smiled hesitantly at Esme.

"Not my fault. Bella was being unintentionally funny." Edward explained.

"Yeah, she tends to do that sometimes." Ariella laughed quietly.

Alice quickly announced that it was time, which led to all of the Cullens going to their respective positions. Ariella, Esme and Bella went to an area in the clearing where they could umpire in peace. Bella looked shyly at Esme. Ariella rolled her eyes at her 'innocence'. Bella asked Esme, "You don't like to play with them?"

"No, I prefer to referee – I like to keep them honest." Esme explained.

"Do they cheat often?" Ariella asked curiously.

"Oh yes – you should hear the arguments they get into! Actually, I hope you don't, you would think they were raised by a pack of wolves." Esme shook her head.

"You sound like my mom." Bella laughed, surprised.

Apparently, the teams were: Edward, Carlisle and Alice versus Emmett, Jasper and Rosalie. Ariella shook her head in amusement. This was sure to be one fun game with the Cullens playing against each other. Esme called out, "All right, batter up."

Alice stood straight. Ariella observed all of their stances. Alice seemed to focus on stealth, while Emmett relied on his brute strength. She already knew that Edward would be relying on his speed while Carlisle and Jasper would be relying on both. Rosalie would be more focused on grace. Making a quick decision, she said, "No one is going to finish this game."

"How can you say so?" Esme asked.

"I – uhm – observed them, I guess, and I couldn't see anything past it." Ariella explained. The golden mist was surrounding her once again, and her eyes were a bright gold once more. Alice threw the ball, which landed into Jasper's hand. Ariella smirked. "Strike."

Alice hurled the ball once more and the bat made contact with the ball. The crack of the impact was shattering, thunderous; it echoes off the mountains – and Ariella and Bella immediately understood the necessity of the thunder and the thunderstorm.

"Home run." Bella murmured.

"Wait," Esme cautioned. Using her eyes, Ariella saw Edward catch up to the ball, while Emmett was running around the bases. "Out!"

Edward sprang from the trees, the ball in his upraised hands. Ariella smiled at the game. Emmett's team was already up by one when Alice suddenly cried out, "Stop!"

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