Chapter 15

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A car sped down on the wrong lane, and Ariella was not paying attention. She wished to die and escape the wretched world of everything. The car slammed onto Ariella's Veneno and sent it hurtling towards the forest. Ariella's screams were heard within a mile's radius. Jasper was hunting in a nearby area, and immediately alerted his brothers and sisters. He did not bother to wait for them anymore and rushed towards where he heard the scream of his soulmate.

Jasper found Ariella's body, crushed by the weight of her car. The sound of her heartbeat was very faint, but there. The rest of his siblings, plus Esme and Carlisle, emerged from the forest. Carlisle immediately bent down to Ariella and checked her vitals.

"Everything's not looking good." Carlisle said, worried about the young witch. Rosalie and Alice looked at one another, venom pooling at their eyes with tears they cannot shed. "If you want her to survive, you're going to have to turn her."

"Carlisle." Ariella's voice startled them all. "Esme, Rose, Alice, Edward, Emmett, Jasper."

Jasper bent down beside Ariella's bloody body. "We're here suga'. What do you need?"

"I don't want to die." Ariella sobbed. "I was careless. I didn't watch where I was going. At that time I was . . ."

Ariella trailed off. It was getting harder for her to breath. All of the Cullens heard about how her heartbeat was slowing down. Rosalie looked at Jasper and Carlisle, alarmed. "Turn her! Oh my god, Carlisle, turn her!"

Carlisle remained frozen in place. Jasper growled, his soulmate was literally dying and none of them were doing anything. Rosalie stepped forward. "Dammit! If you're not going to turn her, then I will!"

Before Rosalie could bite Ariella, Jasper leaned down and bit Ariella's neck. He poured his venom onto the bite, then licked it afterwards to seal the wound. He was shaking, and venom pooled in his eyes as well. Rosalie, Alice and Edward looked at each other. "We have to get her home."

"You're right." Esme said. "We have to be there when she finds out we turned her."

"I doubt she'll be happy." Jasper said, shaking his head. He picked up Ariella, and her wand, which was still strangely intact.

"Her bag, is it there?" Alice asked, pointing to the car. Edward and Emmett looked in, and Emmett pulled out Ariella's white bag, which was intact because Ariella placed a spell on it. Alice grabbed the bag, and together, the Cullen family made their way towards their home.

Only one thing plagued their mind that night. How will they explain what happened to the wolves? They had effectively broken the treaty, something which wasn't forgivable. And what about Bella and Charlie? Ariella has hardly been here for 2 days, but something unfortunate had already happened to her. This wasn't good. When Ariella awakes she won't be herself anymore.

And this was what they were most afraid of.

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