Chapter 45

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Ariella thought the fight was going well. The Order had arrived and she was doing her best to both fight and protect the teenagers that somehow ended up here in the Department of Mysteries. The vampire's blood red eyes gleamed in the darkness of the room, making it stand out in the midst of the blasts of red and green.

Both Harry and Hermione were confused. What did Ariella mean by killing what's already dead? As far as they knew Ariella was alive and well, hell, they even saw it with their own two eyes. Nothing was making sense anymore. Neither did Ariella's sudden speed and strength. That change that Ariella mentioned a while before . . . could this be what she meant?

The Death Eaters that Ariella tied with the spell were smart, and had escaped the moment Ariella turned to scowl at the Order. She wasn't happy but with more people by her side, she hoped that they could eventually overcome the enemy. Technically, she could just go on a rampage and suck the blood of the death eaters, but then she'll get in trouble.

Ariella was taken aback when there was a sudden pain in her chest. It made her stop and clutch her undead heart. What was happening? Where was this sudden pain coming from? That was when she remembered what had happened to her and Jasper back in Forks.

They had bonded.

Which meant that something had definitely happened to Jasper while she was away. The question was what was it? Then pain blossomed from her right hand to her back. "What in the world –"

It was like time stopped.

Did it?

Did it stop?

For Harry it sure did. He took one glance at Ariella and yelled out when he saw that she dropped to her knees clutching at her chest in pain, her blood red eyes filled with blankness and her face contorting in hurt. Suddenly, he heard the loud exclamation of the killing curse and he was pushed aside.

When he looked back from where he was, Sirius was there. And he was slowly sucked into the veil. Harry was in disbelief. Ariella screamed out loud, which made everyone cover their ears from the sheer loudness of her voice.

It suddenly dawned on Harry Potter what had happened.

Sirius Black was gone. He was dead. And he won't return. The only man in his life who he truly looked up to like a father. His only father-like figure. Suddenly, he was dashing towards the veil, and a pair of warm arms had to stop him.

And he screamed as well. He screamed in pain, he screamed in despair and he screamed in anger at the fact that another man had died just to save him. Ariella shakily stood up and dashed around the room, stunning everyone that she could see.

The venom in her eyes served as tears that she would never be able to shed. Because she wasn't human anymore. And she had lost her father figure. She . . . had lost . . . Sirius.

More venom pooled in her eyes that she just wasn't able to get rid of. Eventually, Dumbledore had arrived and Ariella wasted no time in saying, "You take care of everything here, I'm worried about Potter."

And as much as he hated to admit it, Dumbledore was afraid. Because as Ariella said those words her eyes were blank and there wasn't a single sight of emotion of her face. She had disconnected herself from the world and was slowly straying away from who she actually was as Ariella Swan.


[ hey, so surprise, I updated after like four months. i'm so sorry it took this long. I'll slowly edit everything and even update chapters, I promise. I'll be a better author for all of you :( thank you for 185k reads, everyone, I'm really grateful to you all, I didn't even expect that this book would still be getting reads <3 thank you again! ]

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