Love or Hate (Part 2 of 2)

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I felt much better after yesterday, I went into instargram while me and Aitch lay in bed, my head on his chest, to find over 20 of Aitch's fans tagging me in the picture calling me pretty and saying how nice I looked, maybe I wouldn't receive hate. "Baby look at all these comments about me, I think we should tell the fans. about us" I mumbled, he looked down at my phone and smiled. "If you're ready then so am I, I told you baby, who couldn't love you?" He leaned over me and kissed me.

It was the evening now and Aitch had a local show in Manchester to play. I was stood at the side of the stage filming and dancing to 'Wait', when the song ended he started speaking.

"Manchester I've got a special announcement for you guys are you ready?!" He received a massive scream back from the fans.

"I'm bringing someone special out who means a lot to me now I know you guys are gonna support us together so here's my girlfriend!" He shouted surprising me as he walked over and pulled me out onto the stage his arm around my waist. The whole arena screamed and cheered as i stood and waved at everyone happy that they accepted me. I looked up to see Aitch grinning down at me.

After the show we were leaving when a group of fans asked for both our pictures.

"You're so gorgeous! Can we get a picture with both of you?" One of them asked, I smiled and agreed as we took pictures.

We finally got done about 10 minutes later and I was sat in the passenger of Aitch's car as we drove home. "Thanks for bringing me out tonight baby I love you." I smiled as he grabbed my thigh while driving.

"I love you too, and so do the fans."

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