Nerves (Part 2)

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Hi everyone, sorry for the long wait, I've had really bad writers block recently. This ones quite short, hope you enjoy. Ellie2122 coco1234444 enjoy :)

4 months pregnant and I had a cute bump, it wasn't massive yet. Aitch loves having his hand on it as much as he can, and did so whenever he got the chance to. Today we were finding out the gender of our baby. We sat in the doctors waiting to be called to our appointment

"What's your guess? Boy or girl?" Aitch questioned as he rested a hand on my thigh to calm my nerves.

"Hmm, boy I think, I'd love a baby boy." I smiled lightly at him.

"I reckon girl, I want a baby girl, so I can spoil her." He smiled cutely.

"You think it's time we tell my fans, and socials? I want it to come from us first not some social media page, spreading fake shit." He said the last bit quite angrily, Aitch hated all the social media, gossip pages which made up lies and rumours about us.

I grabbed his hand that rested on my thigh and spoke. "I'm ready to tell them whenever you're ready, it's up to you."

"I want to wait some longer, stress isn't good for you or the baby. You're my priority right now" He spoke, stroking my small bump. "I can't believe we're having a baby." He grinned before leaning in and kissing me softly.

I placed my hand softly onto his cheek as he kissed me, I pulled back blushing as we were in public. He leaned in again and kissed me softly.

"Stop." I whispered smiling and pulling back, he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"I love you." He spoke, finally pulling back.

"Love you too."

We got into the doctors room and I was led on the bed with the doctor moving the device over my stomach, Aitch was stood next to me his hand held in mine as we looked at the little screen with our baby on.

"Well I can see the gender of your baby, are you two ready to hear it?"

The doctor spoke cleaning the gel off my stomach.

I looked over at Aitch to see if he was ready, he squeezed my hand and nodded his head, I looked over at the doctor and spoke.

"Yeah, we're ready to know"

I spoke biting my lip nervously, I gripped onto Harrison's hand harder.

"Well, congratulations on your baby girl!" The doctor spoke grinning before handing me the sonogram picture. I looked down at it and gasped tears coming to my eyes as I looked up at Harrison who had unshed tears in his crystal eyes as he looked at the sonogram.

We left the doctors with the sonogram pictures, both of us excited to let our family know.

We sat in the car park of the doctors and talked.

"Are you happy we're having a girl?" I asked nervously,

"Yeah of course i'm happy darlin', it's our first child."

He spoke reaching across the centre console, placing one hand on my bump while leaning in to kiss me softly, he pressed his lips against mine and kissed me rubbing my baby bump at the same time, he pulled back a little and gazed into my eyes, his were just that perfect crystal blue that I loved so much.

"I love you, you know that?" he whispered

He pecked my lips again quickly before pulling back. "I love you too, so much darling, are we going home now?" I asked him while I texted my mum about the doctors visit I looked up to him when I didn't receive a reply.

He smiled cheekily and glanced at me, "yeah we're going to my mums for a bit to show her the ultrasound and that." He mumbled, pulling out of the car park.

"Okay, can we get something to eat? I'm hungry." I sighed, rubbing my bump.

"What do you want? We'll stop on the way yeah?" He asked, grabbing my hand while driving.

"Ummm, can we get McDonald's? I'm craving it." I giggled, Aitch just laughed and shook his head.

We arrived to his mums house and we were sat at the dining room table eating McDonald's, I had to get a big mac, I was craving them loads recently, Harrison's little sister was sat on my lap, eating my chips.

"You want some more?" I asked her sweetly, she was adorable, only 2 years old and she had the same eyes as her brother.

She nodded her head eagerly at me grinning as I passed her another chip.

Aitch looked at us and shook his head. "She loves you more than me." He spoke chuckling, eating his apple pie.

"When baby coming?" Mia asked, looking to her brother curiously, wide eyed before pointing to my bump.

He grabbed his sister off my lap and into his.

"Soon yeah? You're gonna be an auntie Mia, you gonna be good yeah?"

Aitch grinned down at his sister, who vigorously nodded her head smiling up at her brother.

"yeah pwomise."

S he held out her pinky finger to Aitch who hooked it with his before kissing his sister on the head and letting her down to go and play.

I finished my big mac and went into the living room and sat next to Aitch's mum on the sofa.

"You alright darling? Finished your food?" She asked patting my thigh, smiling at me before facing the tv.

"Yeah, can't eat anymore, i'll pop! wanna feel the bump? She's kicking again"

I smiled, Aitch's mum reaches over  and placed her hand where my baby girl was kicking me.

"Oh my God! She's kicking loads darling" she rubbed my belly before pulling me into a hug.

"Oh i'm so happy for you both." She spoke hugging me tightly while she sniffled a bit.

When she pulled back she kissed my forehead softly "I'm so happy to have you in my family."

I kissed her cheek and smiled at her. Aitch came and sat on my other side and placed an arm around my waist onto my bump rubbing it softly. His mum went out  to the kitchen and left us alone for a moment.

Harrison then got on his knees in front of me, lifted my top and kissed my bump softly, while soothingly rubbing it and talking quietly to our baby girl, I smiled down and watched him running my hands through his hair lovingly. I couldn't really hear what he was saying but I caught the end of his sentence.

"When your here i'm gonna spoil you so much darling, daddy loves you already."

I heard him whisper before kissing my tummy again, resting his head against me and closing his eyes I ran my hand through his hair.

Hope you enjoyed message or comment any requests! :)

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