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Hi everyone, I really hope you're all staying safe at the moment and enjoying your summer. I hope you all like this chapter. Requested by  Ellie2122 hope you like it. 🤗

I thought maybe I had food poisoning, when I got up for the second time that day to rush the the bathroom and throw up. Deep down I knew there was a possibility I was pregnant; we were both drunk last time and probably didn't use protection.

I was 2 days late but thought nothing of it; it's only been two days it should come soon. I wasn't ready for a baby, neither was Aitch, my boyfriend. Who had such a hectic schedule and lifestyle.

I don't know how he'd react if I was pregnant. His career was starting to take off, he was being noticed more and rising to fame. Always busy. I didn't need to ruin that with a baby.

I woke up and started my day like normal, ignoring the nauseous feeling I kept getting as I walked to the kitchen of our house, to get breakfast. Aitch was still sleeping so I thought I'd make him breakfast in bed as a treat.

As soon as I started frying eggs I felt my stomach turn, so I ran to the toilet to throw up for the 4th time this week. I flushed and sorted myself out as I turned around I bumped into a hard chest, looking up I saw my boyfriend with a concerned yet tired look on his face.

"Were you just sick? This is the second time I've caught you throwing up, are you ill baby? Do you want me to take you to a doc-."

I stopped his ranting and spoke.

"No, no I'm fine I promise okay? It's just food poisoning i'll be okay soon."

I leaned up and pressed a quick kiss to his lips to calm him and smiled up at him. He smiled and spoke "Alright, well go lie in bed yeah? I'll finish breakfast."

He kissed me quickly and left the bathroom. After breakfast Aitch was showering while I was looking in the mirror getting dressed, I noticed my usually flat stomach looked slightly bloated, this is when it hit me. I'm probably pregnant.

I heard the bathroom door opening so I quickly grabbed my top and put it on to hide my bump. Aitch came up behind me and hugged me unexpectedly.

"You feeling any better? I'll get you some water or somethin' yeah?"

He kissed the side of my head and hugged me harder. I turned in his arms and smiled up at him, wrapping my arms around his neck looking into his crystal eyes.

"Can I ask you something?"

I spoke nervously, biting my lip looking down. He frowned and lifted my chin, kissing me to reassure me. I let out a sigh before speaking

"What do you think about babies?"

Instantly cringing, regretting the way I worded my sentence when I saw a cheeky, mischievous smile on Aitch's face.

"Babies? What you tryna ask me? They're cute innit, what do you want me to say?"

He asked, laughing at me. I huffed and rolled my eyes, I started to pull away from him, he looked guilty, seeing I was annoyed.

"Wait, sorry baby, start over, what are you trying to say?"

My hormones were all over the place and I was still annoyed so I pulled myself away and spoke.

"Look it doesn't matter anymore i'm going out."

I mumbled the last part and turned out of our bedroom. I was stopped by a hand on my wrist, pulling me back. Aitch kissed me and placed his hands on my hips pulling me towards him. I kissed him back with just as much love, placing a hand on his chest I pushed him back slightly.

"You want me to drive you?"

He questioned gazing down at me. I shook my head and smiled, he was the sweetest sometimes. "I'll get an uber, see you in a bit"

I sat alone on the bathroom floor in tears staring at the positive pregnancy test, I didn't know how to feel. Happy? Sad? How Aitch would react was my main concern.

I decided I needed to tell him before anyone else. I got up, sorted myself out, left the bathroom and climed into bed beside Aitch who was on his phone.

"We need to talk." I spoke laying down on his chest, snuggling closer to him.

"What's up?" he asked, stroking my hair.

"I- well, um, I'm pregnant."

I mumbled the last part. His hand froze on my hair and he sat up to look at me properly, his bright blue eyes turing glassy.

"You're what?" He asked shocked.

"Pregnant? that's why you were asking about babies earlier." He mumbled to himself, I nodded my head confirming it.

"Your not angry? I mean, everything's going so well. Your career, the music, us. I don't want to ruin your career with a baby, I mean your busy and-"

I was stopped mid sentence to a hand lifting up my top and resting softly on my small bump, caressing it lovingly.

"You think I'd be angry? We're having a baby!"

Aitch exclaimed excitedly looking down where his hand rested, in amazement at my small bump.

"My careers not as important as you and our child."

He leaned down kissing my tummy softly before gazing up at me smiling. "You've blessed me" He kissed me softly smiling into the kiss, melting away all my past worries.

Thank You for reading, don't forget to vote, message me any requests you have and i'll be sure to write it! 🤗

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