Nerves (part 3)

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It was highly requested that I continue 'Nerves' so here it is! Enjoy, please comment or message me any suggestions/requests you may have i'll be sure to answer them all. 😊💕

I lay in bed watching tv, I was overdue, irritable and in pain; the baby was causing me so much discomfort.

Harrison was constantly checking up on me making sure I was okay, I loved him for it, but sometimes it was annoying. I had been bed bound for a week now; my tummy was too big to walk around all day.

"I brought you some food babe." Aitch walked into the room, a plate of food with him.

I turned the other way when he came in and mumbled "I'm not hungry"

I heard him sigh and step closer to the bed, "I don't care if your not hungry you need to eat."

He said firmly sounding annoyed. I really didn't want to argue today.

"Yeah well I don't want to eat so tough" I mumbled tears in my eyes facing away from my boyfriend. Everything was going wrong and I was extremely emotional, I just wanted this baby born and with me. 

He sighed again and I felt him lie behind me and kiss my head.

"I know you're uncomfortable, but you need to eat, for the baby yeah?" He whispered kissing my head softly, hugging me.

This broke me down even more, "I wanna go hospital, I just-I can't sit here anymore i'm in pain, my body hurts s-so much."

I sobbed turning around and crying into his chest, wrapping my arms around his torso.

"Please can you t-take me to hospital please, let them start the labour or something I can't take it anymore." My body shook as I cried.

Aitch wrapped his arms tightly around me and whispered.

"You know we can't do that, the midwife said we have to wait for you to go into labour naturally. If I could take ya' I would I promise baby."

He held me tightly, we were slightly separated by my big bump.

I just nodded me head and snuggled closer into him.

"Okay" I whispered.

"We're gonna go downstairs watch tv and you can eat somethin' babe."

He got up and held my hand, helping me stand. My feet were swollen so standing was hard, he held onto me all the way down the stairs and sat me on the sofa before going back upstairs to get my food.

I felt a slight pain in my stomach, Aitch was upstairs still so I ignored the pain and decided to go to the kitchen and refill my glass.

I stood up with the glass in one hand and the other supporting my back, on my way to the kitchen I felt a weird pop sensation,

I looked down to see loads of liquid gush down landing at my feet and a sharp pain rushed through me, making me dizzy.

I screamed loudly as a contraction ripped through me, the glass in my hand dropped smashing in front of me.

"Arghhh" I groaned feeling faint, I felt myself falling backwards towards the stairs, the pain taking over my body.

Two hands caught me and I fell against Harrison, his body supporting me he lifted me to stand.

"Babe, babe, what is it?" He nearly shouted l turned to him about to answer when another pain shook me.

My eyes screwed shut, I screamed out once again falling against him even more.

He sat me at the bottom of the stairs and crouched down in front of me.

"You're scaring me now, I'm gonna call the midwife and see what she says, what do ya need? Lemme bring ya some water."

He rubbed my knee soothingly before pressing a quick kiss against my lips.

"Y-yeah, call the midwife"

I whimpered grabbing onto his hand tightly.

"Harrison, I-I don't think I can do this, I'm-i'm scared." I whispered.

"It's me and you together yeah? I'm here, we're gonna have this baby and she's gonna be perfect." He kissed my forehead before calling the midwife.

Aitch had driven us to the hospital, when he called the midwife, she told us to come in straight away.

I lay on the hospital bed with gas and air in my hand, Aitch sat in the chair beside my bed his arms leaning on my bed as we spoke, his hand running through my hair.

My contractions were getting worse and closer together. "We'll have our girl soon babe."

Aitch spoke while rubbing my bump gently.

"Right miss, lets check again to see how far dilated you are."

The midwife spoke, getting to work. I turned to Aitch when I felt him grip my hand a bit harder. He looked nervous.

"What is it?" I whispered stroking his hand.

"Not long 'til our baby's here and I'm scared now babe." He whispered back.

I squeezed his hand in reassurance, the midwife spoke. "Well you're 10 centimetres dilated, it's time to have this baby!" She grinned at us. 

Hope you enjoyed, don't forget to vote. Leave a comment or message me any requests/suggestions. xxx

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