Chapter 3~Plan

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Fanaa's POV.

I haven't been home for the past three days.

I've been working on the case non stop.

Today, I'm finally closing it.

I haven't sleep or eaten properly.

I'm overworking myself and I'm exhausted.

I know I'm doing it on purpose.

I can't stop thinking about that night.

When he showed up.



I couldn't believe my eyes and my heart?

It didn't stop beating because of him.

He was so...good looking.

I can't deny it.

I couldn't stand him the whole night.

And the way he grabbed me...

I can't believe he did that.

Why would he?

The only good thing was to finally meet Omer.

Although we bumped into each other and my dress got ruined a bit I was glad I had an excuse to meet him again.

He seemed really nice.

After being done with my work I closed the file and got up to go get a coffee or else my soul will eventually leave my body.

I walked to our coffee station and brewed some coffee.

While waiting for the coffee to brew I checked my phone.

10 missed calls.

Unknown number.

Who's that?

I dialed the number and waited for the person to pick up.

No one is picking up.

Are they prank calls?

Once my coffee was done I poured some in a cup and turned around only for my eyes to meet his. Again.

My heart already start running a mile and I was getting nervous.

Suddenly, I couldn't see properly. My vision was getting blurred and in a split of a second I lost conscious.

The last thing I remember is a strong pair of arms wrap around me before everything went black.


I woke up with my head in pain.


What happened?

I realized I was on a hospital bed.

Shit. Did I faint?

I knew it was coming.

Tara barged in the room all of a sudden.

"are you okay?" she asks hugging me.

"yes.. Nothing to worry about"

"nothing to worry about? The doctor said you over exhausted yourself and you were really nervous and you're telling me there's nothing to worry about?"

She's upset. I can tell.

"I'm sorry" I said.

"it's okay it's not your fault I should've taken better care of my boss"

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