Chapter 18~ Fever

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Fanaa's POV.

"so you're telling me you guys were dating?!" I can't believe them.

Sofia and Amal?!

Like what?!

After a long time I finally got to meet up with my cousins and friends.

We decided to meet up at a restaurant and I just realized how many things I've missed.

" no that's haram! We wouldn't do that -"

"make it make sense, I'm in confusion" I told them honestly.

"okay I'll explain, we both knew for a long time that we liked each other but we never dared to confess until a few months ago and now we're letting you guys know" Amal explained.

" you guys look cute together" Naina said.

" I always knew there was something between you guys" Salman said.

"yeah same" Rahman admit it.

" I didn't know it was that serious... anyways Sofia you better focus on your studies don't just waste your time around with him" I said.

"waste? you're so mean" Amal said.

" what? I'm just advising her, love makes people blind you know"

" she's right" Naina said.

" yes don't worry Fanaa I'll be careful" Sofia said.

"and you have to let aunty know" I added.

"yes I will"


"where's Ahmed? it's been half an hour already" Naina asked.

"he said he was on the way like twenty minutes ago" I said checking my phone to see if he messaged me or something.

No he didn't.

" So Salman where is your girl?" I asked him with a playful smile.

"my girl?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

"don't tell me you're still single" Amal said.

I found it pretty funny to make fun of him still not being married.

" why does it matter so much that I don't have someone?" he asked.

" don't take them seriously man" Rahman said.

"hey I'm serious!" I said.

"hey guys, may I take your oder now?" a waiter came.

It's been two times we rejected him asking him to come back later.

We all looked at each other before I thought I'll just order for Ahmed.

"okay we'll order" I said as we started ordering.

Everyone ordered and I ordered the same thing for Ahmed and I.

" I'm really happy you're back with us Fanaa" Sofia said.

"I'm happy to be able to spend time with you guys too, I will always miss Turkey but it can't replace the love that I receive from you guys when I'm here"

"aww stop you're going to make me cry" Naina said taping my arm.

We kept talking and laughing together.

Food arrived and we ate but Ahmed never came.

Where is he?

Is he okay?

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