Chapter One

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It was midnight. The dark enclosed most of Midway, Illinois, a small suburb. The most exciting thing to happen in the town was when Taylor Swift came there on a tour in 2011. Then again, said tour also included a majority of the States' suburbs.

Violet wasn't much for what loomed on in the day. She fantasized. Wrote music. Nothing more. Parkland Avenue was where she grew up, and lived to this day. Seventeen years and the place never ceased to amaze her. Granted, nobody lived in Midway. Maybe 300 people per graduating class, roughly 10,000 people. Small for a town near the capital.

Nobody expected what would happen on that night, November Eighteenth, Two-Thousand Twenty Three, at approximately Twelve O Two AM. A crack was heard

At first,  it was small. Delicate and quiet, nobody heard. Under the cover of the night sky, nobody saw the black hole that emerged. 

At Two-Twelve AM, it made the same noise.

Imagine paper tearing. Then put that noise through an amplifier used at a concert. For Slipknot, with distortion.

Anyone who heard it could describe it similarly. A tearing perhaps.

Nobody awakened, even at the colossal number it reached in decibels. Like a crowd cheering, but far, far, worse.

The night sky brightened, hinting at the morning light. It would still be hours before anyone knew what had happened. Before anyone saw the gargantuan amounts of damage done to the horizon.

With that notion, it ripped further. At approximately four fifty-six, it made its final evolution.

The citizens of Midway, Illinois, would wake up to a hole, no, a crater. A crater that made the earth seem like a knife had passed through the atmosphere. 

There was a reason barriers weren't meant to be broken.


Violet's alarm woke her up at six on the dot. The school she went to began at seven, and the bus, came at six-thirty, give or take two to three minutes.

She had dark hair, curled at the bottom, laced with artificial purple and red highlights that she had miraculously done herself. Her natural hair was brown, but more of a light color, or a chestnut.

Her eyes were an incredible storm gray, influenced by dark jade tones. 

She had a pale complexion, in comparison to her classmates who were often fair-skinned from the sun. Violet, on the other hand, rarely went outdoors. 

She wasn't of a rich or poor family, as she was as average as could be. She had an artist's build, one not meant to be in the sun, playing soccer for six hours of her day. She preferred black tank tops, often with band logos, covered by a denim or leather jacket. Some days she just wore tees. She enjoyed black and darker colors, as her jeans with frayed knees and chains around a studded belt showed. Violet donned a black beanie and navy chuck Taylor all-stars, custom-designed around the rubber by her sharpie marks.

She had few friends, but liked a girl, about the same age, by the name of Mari.

Mari was tan, of what seemed to be a Latina origin, who liked sports but was also a gifted artist.

Mari was more into the popular side of pop culture, unlike Violet. 

She wore Nike and Adidas primarily, making her Violet's opposite, except for the blue to green highlight she had let Violet dye. Mari wore brighter, but not neon, clothing. She sported a pair of Air Jordan's, which were white with black and blue highlights. 

Mari was roughly two inches taller than Violet, standing at five foot six, the average.

There was only one thing in common they both had a passion for.

The supernatural.

Violet had been introduced to the supernatural through Mari, who was obsessed when they met in the seventh grade.

The friendship quickly progressed from sleepovers that included makeup and gossip about crushes, to ouija boards and summonings.

If there was one part about the myths that Violet loved, it was the story of the scales. It read many tales about a battle between two parties, The Angel's Cross, fighting for heaven, and the Heart of Darkness, fighting for evil.

They were lead by two sisters, who had opposed each other for hundreds of years.

Mari shared this infatuation, and they loved the culture surrounding it. I dare say they nearly worshipped it.

Violet got dressed, wearing a black, slightly ripped, Motionless In White tank top. Her jeans had studs along the pockets, where a chain peaked from her belt.

She shoved her earbuds in, blaring music throughout the ride to school. 

It wasn't until she got there that she realized where the bus's commotion was from.

The large rip in the sky, staring down at her and her town. She could almost make out the semi-pentagram in the stars. Her brain was in overdrive thinking of the possibilities. Why? She had no clue. Where? Easy. Midway, Illinois, near Red Creek high school.

When? during the night hours, it had to be.

What? A giant hole, dumbass.


Now that she didn't have the answer to. That was the hardest part of this mystery.

Violet was snapped from her thoughts when she felt a poke in her shoulder.

"Vi! Violet Gabrielle Williams, snap out of it!" Mari commanded.

"U..Ug..... Mari?!" Violet replied, rubbing her eyes from the lack of sleep she often got, which she made up for in class.

"Yes, it's me. Did you see the hole? Y'know, the one that looks like a giant vagina in the sky?!"

Mari was at a loss for words and an abundance of energy. 

"I saw it, why....?" Violet trailed off.

They were cut off by the teacher's drone. A short, redheaded, girl walked in. Everyone stared, having never seen her. She wore a green shirt reading "Gingers have more fun".

At the clap of the teacher's hands, the class quieted.

"Good morning, before we address the hole that I'm sure you've all been gossiping about, I have something to announce..."

Violet and Mari stared at one another as the mystery girl walked to the front.

"we have a new student." she continued, "Everyone, please give a warm welcome to Red Creek's newest edition, Sierra Hunter. Would Violet raise her hand?"

Violet did as asked, and the new girl sat down next to her.

"Hi, I'm Sierra, I think I'm going to like this place."


Thanks guys. 

I've had this on hiatus for so long. What do ya think? Is Sierra going to have more to do with the plot? Whats gonna happen next?

Let me know!

Special thanks to @TheMoonsRose, she has a march madness for music, and its awesome.

(word count 1021)

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