Chapter Twelve

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(Written from my phone again. Also, some useless info, I just got Invisalign's, they hurt like a bitch, but at least I can get rid of my overly cramped teeth, and I dyed my hair.)

The chariot landed in its designated garage, right by the castle entranceway. Sierra pockets the crystal, and lowers the stairway, signaling for us to get out.

I raise my hand, "how exactly do we explain this?"

Sierra rests her hand on my shoulder, then moving it to pat my head. "Don't worry about this one, I think we should be alright." She continued assisting the gnomes. The leader signaled for me to shake their hand. Maybe these guys weren't all that bad.

Sierra dragged us through the twists and turns that were the castle stairs. Do these things get longer every day? Granted, I'd only been once for dinner, but to reach anywhere besides the dining hall, it felt like a miles' walk, although it must've been far worse for the gnomes, whose feet couldn't have passed a children's thirteen. Make that toddler's size.

The hall she's dragged us into was similarly decorated, nice, gold, etc, etc. I could take a guess that the several rooms were offices and bedrooms, and odds were, considering the chariot incident, and the fact that the dinner table just so happened to accommodate all of us, the beds could probably make room for 200 some gnomes.

Sierra approached a doorway, which, looked reminiscent of the expenses of her closet, (parts were of plated gold, and I'm guessing it was plated.) She knocked twice, and the door flung open to reveal a study of sorts, and when I say of sorts, I mean this place was damn huge.

Towards the back corner, after seeing a lot of desks, drawers, and canvases, I managed to see why Sierra was here.

"Dad?" She cocked her head to the side. From there, I could see Replica Nikki Sixx sketching something on canvas out on their balcony.

"Ye-..." he paused and saw the army of gnomes behind him. "Sierra. Just what did you decide to do? Because your mother's orders were not to hire gnomes."

"Well, it technically is part of Katherine's orders. She said help all involved if need be. These little guys were abused by Sierra. Let me tell you, those scars aren't from mining."

"I figured as much if you decided to bring what looks like an entire species. If they were indeed hurt by her, I'll help you out."

Jesus, he didn't even refer to his child by her name. 

"I should be able to pull out a few cots in our spare room,"

And that's what we ended up doing for an extensive time period of six hours. There are no important details, as to be expected from laying down cots.

Currently, we're back at Sierra's, in her tree cabin. At least, that's what I've dubbed it.

 "So, what's the current situation, and his exactly do we end up finding this last step anyway?" I asked Sierra. 

"I'm afraid it's not that easy. Sure, the last steps to the spell may be done, but this isn't close to done, and it won't be for a damned long time"

She stared in my direction, tearing up. "I'm sorry, this is a lot, especially seeing what Rae's done, and the scars she leaves in her wake."

Mari heard the conversation, and walked up and hugged her from behind while I handed her a tissue. She's not the type to do this.

"You alright?"

"Vi, your right. I'm not alright. This isn't how I usually am, and the emotions are getting to me. She's my sister. We grew up together. I feel for her, almost too much. I need to go rest."

With that, I went to bed for the night.

The scene was set once again. The dark throne room. Oh, how I hated this place. Then I remembered. Wasn't there some sort of enchantment against R invading my nightmares? I thought Sierra had mentioned one in the woods... 

Shit. She broke it, didn't she?  Either that or I lost it... How exactly do you lose an enchantment?

Then I saw her. In all of her antagonistic glory, just sitting there, not a care in the world. There were no guards. No demons. Just empty space between us. I wasn't chained. The black in the room was lighter. 

"Wh-What do you N..need this time..." 

I whispered through my shuttering and stuttering. Her presence was intimidating.

"Congrats, kiddo. I'm not going to kill you. Not like that spellwork would anyways. I'm here to talk. Just words. No fists. I have no need, as that would be the exact opposite of what I need right now."

I nodded.

"First of all, what's your name. I may have known it previously, but now I have no space for that."

"Violet. Violet Becker."

"Eh. That's too long. I'm calling ya Vi. How's that for ya?"

"That's alright."

"I get I was an ass in the past, but feel free to be less affirmative. If there's one thing I've noticed, it's that I have a greater evil. A far greater evil."

"Considering you got disowned and are the general in an opposing army, I don't get how you'd have a bigger evil, but I'll take your word for it."

"I'm serious, Vi. That'll be too much for either party if I let it get out of hand. I need you to know my actions have reasoned."

The sun started to come up.

"I don't have long. Just convince Sierra. She's all we need. After all, everyone follows the leader..."

 I rolled myself out of bed. What the hell was she thinking! She'd hurt and ended innocent lives. Like hell, I was going to believe her. Who would be a greater evil than her? 

I noticed who was outside my door. 

"I heard your thoughts again. First things first, I need to remake that enchantment."

"Sierra," I exhaled. "She said something worrying about a greater evil."

"She's only talking about herself. I've come to terms with that."

"No. Even if she is, couldn't this be worrying? As much as we hate her, I think it's best we hunt her ass down, and beg for answers."

"Fine. But if this goes awry, I'm kicking your ass."

Here we are, end of chapter Twelve. Bit of action for y'all today. What do ya think? Who should Violet believe? And a short bit of Mari and Sierra comfort fluff. I personally ship them.

Anywho, User0126 out.

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