Chapter Ten

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A/n: Written on my phone again. Thanks for 80 reads, my dudes.

I'll say, the last twelve hours have been my weirdest. Here I stand, facing a cave, which may or may not have a dragon, supposedly collecting herbs, to cast a location spell of sorts, to imprison a goddess.

And that's the Tl;DR version. 

So. Here we go.

"I may have lied to you all," Sierra sighed.

"I've seen enough game of thrones to know there's a dragon or something in there, Sierra." Mari piped up.

She chuckled, "don't worry, about it. Dragons can be friendly. You guys'll be friends"

"Does this dragon have a name?" I asked.

"Look up" was her response

Well, there it is, a giant ass sign, that read, "Edwin's Cave".

Fucking Edwin? That's what the dragon's name was? At least he seems like a nice guy, I thought to myself, while taking my first steps into the cave. This better be worth it in the end.

 The further we got in, the prettier this place became. Turns out dragons really are hoarders. 

The walls were covered floor to ceiling in stalagmites and stalactites, which were annoying to dodge, but any flying mammal would probably be alright in. There appeared to be chambers, but as always, I followed Sierra, just in case there was something like a dead body in there.

Sierra sighed, "something isn't the same. We might have a problem,"

Her warning tone was evident enough we needed to be cautious, but for a bit of extra protection, she decided to throw a goddamn sword to the both of us, and I might have squeaked out of fear. Seriously. Who is willing to throw a sword at someone?

We continued on, and I clutched the sword tighter in my hands. The lights dimmed slightly, and a chill ran down my spine. My heart raced. Ok, I might need the sword.

A cool breeze blew in my face, but it wasn't from the direction the cave's entrance was.

Definitely going to need the sword.

Chill, Violet.

Get out of my head, Sierra.

Seriously, that's just Eddie. You'll be fine.

No, I won't. 

I huffed, if said dragon is breathing on me, don't you think there's a significant problem? God, this sounds like the plot of a wattpad fantasy novel.

"We're getting pretty close," Sierra whispered.

If this thing was friendly, why was she so quiet?

"Don't refer to Eddie as a thing."

Violet's private thoughts:0

Sierra's mind reading: 3

I don't get payed enough for this.

Sierra glanced around, before calling out Eddie's name.

"Eddie? Bubba? You alright?"

The fact that she called a dragon by something I'd call my dog was scary.

We heard a grunt in response.

"Eds, blink once for yes twice for no. Can you move?"

Two blinks

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