Chapter Eight

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Once again, my day started with the screams of an eighteen-year-old Andy Biersack. 

I rolled myself out of my sheets, quite literally, as I nearly hit my head against the floor. A note was taped to my bedside table.


I currently have some business to attend to, so grab something from the closet, make yourself presentable. Once I return, we will be meeting my family, be polite. And, as always, this is 100 percent mandatory.


Well, that explains why the house is so quiet. Now, onto the closet. Just what the hell did she shove in here anyway? Do goddesses even need closets?

I walked into the said closet, and to my surprise, it was fairly larger than you'd expect. Then again, I was on another plane of existence, that to the average joe was physically impossible.

She wasn't kidding when she said to make myself presentable. This thing was like a fucking boutique, ball gowns, robes, elegant looking shit, ceiling to floor. The things that immediately caught my eye were the vast selection of red and blue dresses, which I could assume were a kingdom color, kind of like school spirit.

I trudged through silk and other expensive fabrics (holy hell, how much money did Sierra have?), and found something I figured would go over well with an aristocratic family with a cottagecore bisexual of a child.

The dress in question was down to the floor, in a ball gown fashion. It was mostly blue, with a red skirt-ish thing, that served as a layer under it. The top looked corset-ish as well as being bedazzled, which once again, made me question how Sierra managed to afford this.

For a second time, I trudged my way out of there, shaking in the four-inch studded heels that came with the outfit. Goddamit, I looked like I was going to prom.


Once again, Sierra being a ninja and scaring me.

"The fuck was that for?!" I yelled.

"I do what I want, now, you, however, are coming with me. Nice hair, by the way."

I looked in the mirror, and to my surprise, my hair was down to my mid-waist, curled, and looked like I was an Ash Costello wannabe.

Sierra, on the other hand, wore a hooded, green robe, not forgetting the sparkling skin she had, (seriously, I mentioned it before, but she sparkles), adorned in brown and green eyeshadow, with hair in a similar style to mine.

"Quit staring, and get your ass in the chariot."


This girl might be the richest bitch on the planet.

"Once again, let me remind you, I'm next in line for the throne, and yes, we do have a chariot."

She physically dragged me to the chariot, which looked like you'd expect. Mari was already in the said chariot, fangirling over the winged horses, which were the most normal occurrence today.

"Now, you both have to be on your best behaviors. My family is aware of the current events, and that you two aren't of this realm. That does not excuse you from bowing, and all of that jazz. You got me?"

Mari rolled her eyes, "Yes, your royal high-ass."

Sierra shot her a look, pretty much just to say, quit backtalking, and shut your trap.

Despite being high enough in the air to have hypoxia, we got to the Hunter residence rather quick, landing the pegasi and stumbling out of the chariot, with a nearly puking Mari.

Self note, castles are fucking huge. This monstrosity had a chandelier made of other chandeliers, two massive thrones, encrusted with jewels of all sorts, and a fucking fountain in the middle. A FOUNTAIN.

Sierra nudged me once we reached the two thrones, where her parents sat.

Would it be rude to mention one of them vaguely reminded me of Nikki Sixx, but with some kind of cheekbone freckle?

I assumed parent number one, aka Mr. Sixx, was, well, I just said Mr, so Sierra's dad, and who I could only assume to be her mother, was sitting on throne number two.

"Mom, Dad, these two are Violet, and Mari, our guests."

At the mention of our respective names, we bowed.

"Ah, you two are aware of the current situation?"

I nodded, and Mari followed.

"You two are also in possession of our book of secrets?"

I nodded again.

"You both are giving us a much needed upper hand, thank you."

We bowed.

"If anything, that woman is most definitely not our child, and certainly cannot rule a kingdom, with her ideals."

Damn straight, Nikki.

He burst out in laughter.

"You think I look like a human rock star?

I nodded, blushing.

"Aww, don't blush, it's endearing!"

This man wins dad of the year.

"And, my name's Ash, just so you know."

Sierra's mom rolled her eyes. "Excuse his informality, My name is Katherine, and I am proudly the ninth ruler from this family, along with my husband."

That's one heck of a family dynamic...

Sierra's dad chuckled again. Damned mind readers...

Wait, if everyone here could read minds, then why'd Raegan go through the trouble of torturing me?

"She does not have that power, as it is only for those who currently have relation to the throne", Katherine answered.

The night/day, or whatever the hell it is here went by quickly, with discoveries of both of our worlds, through small talk. Who knew celestial beings made a good conversation? I certainly didn't.

We hopped back in the chariot, and lucky for us, they supplied Mari with a puke bag, after the early morning's incident. The horses quickly picked up speed, and we came to a full stop at the treehouse as soon as we'd taken off.

Unfortunately, doors are an easily broken thing, which seemed to be the fate of the treehouse door.

Sierra narrowed her eyes.

"Someone's been here, you two, stand behind me." 

She stepped down and drew her sword.

The house looked nothing like it had when we left. Tables were flung across the room, chairs had broken legs, a majority of the doors were damaged, and a single note was left on the table that hadn't been demolished.

To whom it may concern-

You stole my chance as a ruler from me.

So I stole something equally important, as one would.

Next time, change your safe's code.



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