Chapter Eleven

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A/N: I spoil you all, don't I? Three in a week! (Update; I wrote the above A:N four day's ago. I'm currently in a car, writing this on my phone)

Well, that was fun, helping a dragon with birth. Had you told me I was going to be here three months ago, I would have asked how many illegal drugs you were on. Sierra told us our next destination was close, but not a quick drive (fly?). I think we were finding the crystal, which was in a mine. If Disney taught me shit, it was mines have trolls, and trolls like to obnoxiously sing. Dwarves maybe? What the hell were those things, because whoever prince charming kissed, must've gotten some kind of corpse sickness. Necrophilia, amirite?

I'm getting off-topic. Fairytale land has that effect on people, doesn't it?

"You two practically broadcast your damned thoughts. Quit complaining about Disney, alright?"

I sat silent, while Mari muttered something on the lines of "Maybe you should stop eavesdropping".

"I can hear you, Mari." 

Jesus, she's blunt.

"Ok, Castiel..."

This isn't going anywhere good...

"If I'm this "Castiel", then I suppose you're the character they call "Dean" ".

Well fuck, a wild Destiel shipper has appeared.

This car (chariot?) ride could not possibly get more awkward. After the deadly laughter/silence combo passed, I found myself staring down at the valley below (the amount of trees put New York to shame). I've never mentioned how scenic this place was, did I? Sierra says that magic literally flows here. Everything is enchanted. Besides me, of course.

Back to the trolls at hand. We'd been told by Sierra (I mean, who else would teach us shit?), that the troll things we'd be seeing were basically gnomes, and that there were no corpses, and no comatose princesses, because Disney was a fucking lunatic. 

She didn't say that. I added that part myself. I think I've made it clear I hate trolls of any kind, even if one is voiced my Justin Timberlake.

"Alright, we're nearly there." She announced.

I took a bit of a gulp.

Sierra muttered something about cowards, being raised here, and landing chariots. She's funnnnn.... 

She pulled the chariot's harnesses and the horses flew downward, landing in the beautiful valley below. There's about fifteen other situations I'd rather be in right now. A pit of snakes, perhaps?

"Jesus Violet, you could have told me you hated gnomes!" Sierra exclaimed.

"I'm more afraid than I am filled with hatred, Sierra."

"Well, I swear there will be nothing of any problem to you in the cave."

She better be damn right.

Quickly enough, she got us out of the wooden contraption, before grabbing a pot of eye black, and smearing it under my eyes, before her own.

"It's kohl. We're in Rae's territory, actually. It's customary for her, even if we are just on the border of her territory."

With that, she chucked some armor, which had a pentagram engraved in them, before somehow, she turned her hair red, like it was in Raegan's pictures.

"So I'll take a shot in the dark, and say that these trolls aren't actually friendly?"

"Not incorrect."

And there's the kicker. Can't seem to catch a damn break, can we?

We finally started into the cave, even with all of our delays. The cave wasn't much different from the cave they'd been in previously with Eddie. The crystals shined and reflected light of all kinds,  a majority of the crystals were darker and more blue tones. I could see an amethyst, with some colored quartz, and topaz, maybe a hematite. You couldn't have ever seen this in Illinois. 

Multiple dwarf-like things moved towards us. Shadowy, but short, yet still intimidating to me.

"Hello, Mistress Raegan."

First of all, what in the unholy fuck. She's quite the dick, and the dictator.

"Hello, good sirs.  I am lookin for a... particular... stone"

She did the impression quite well, I must say. I managed to pull myself up more, trying to fit with the mood of authority. The armor clanked at my attempts.

"What may that be, our ruler?"

I heard the ruffle of paper, as Sierra unfolded the chart of what we were looking for.

"Ah, yes. You have rather incredible taste, madame."

He had menace in his eyes. What the hell did this woman do?

I adjusted myself once again, and followed suit behind Sierra and the gnomes, metallic clanks behind me. The dwarf winced. The small amount of light in the room allowed me to see red spots on the cave. He led us to an office space inside the mines and tunnels. Even with its little light, it was the most well lit area here by far.

"Listen. I know you aren't Raegan."

I glanced at Sierra. Well, now I hate and fear these things.

"She'd have our heads. You saw the stains, didn't you?" He asked.

I gulped again, shaking, then nodding my head. Sierra did the same.

"Here's my dilemma. I give you your crystal. We get to escape with you, and go back to your territory. How's that sound?"

We have virtually the same agenda at this point. It would be foolish to do anything else, quite frankly.

"I accept."

Thank fucking god.

"On the condition you tell me what you know about her, her whereabouts, her habits. Spill the beans, as the two behind me would say.

And there's the kicker, again. I shuffled a little, heart beating out of my chest. 

"I also accept." The dwarf responded, before sticking his tiny fingers in his mouth and whistling as loud as a small dwarf does. A rumble of feet was heard, and a hundred little men, women, and   Others joined in a huddle.

The leader pumped his fist, "lets get out, shall we?"

The others around him cheered, who knew such small beings could make so much noise?

Sierra gave a look, trying to tell them to quiet themselves, to which they did, filing behind her in a single file line.

Sierra put her palm out, sparking a small fire in it, lighting up the room.

"Stay in line. Follow my light. Don't stray." She ordered.

The dwarves followed, stepping out of the small office, and down the cavern. You could hear the prance of tiny feet behind us. The light was quickly approaching us, just as expected. The horses wings lightly flapped in anticipation.

We were heroes. At least to them.

They boarded up with surprising efficiency, leaving the first seats for us. (For a minute, I'd forgotten the carriage was magical, and that it could expand to fit half of a race of elf). I hopped in and buckled up, Sierra and Mari next to me, with the crystal in a cup holder.

My heart finally slowed, and I took off my paint and helmet. Sierra picked up the reins and the horses hoisted us into the air, flying toward her cottage and the castle. 

"You three are in our debt." The leader told us.

I blushed and smiled. I don't think I've ever been in someone's debt. Or saved a life.

It was quite the night.

Ok. Author here. Over the last few chaps, I've put in some Easter eggs. I challenge y'all to find em! I'll list them on a comment later.

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