-Chapter Twenty Seven-

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"The coronation should be hosted in April. Queen Marie had it in April!" King John says. I'm sitting contently in my seat, not saying a word. They keep looking at me for answers, but I just shrug.

"Your Majesty, I won't be king for much longer, and you need to learn how to speak up. Please, when will you want your coronation?" King John raises his arms upwards, begging.

I cough. "Uh, May. I think the weather would be uh, less rainy."

"May it is." The advisor says, bowing his head down before leaving the room. Our next guest is Lise, followed by many dressmakers. Two important events are to happen soon, my coronation, and my wedding. Both require heavy gowning.

It's only my third day out, two nights ago I had the argument with Liam. We haven't talked since, except for annoying glances in the halls. My mother and father have been discussing with an advisor about living back at home, or at least having the option to switch back and forth. And Kato? We've been spending all my free time together, in the gardens, in the studies. Ever since I've seen him, it's impossible for me to be torn away from him.

"For the fabric, For the wedding dress, we were thinking about white or ivory. White would look more regal with a silver lining, but ivory would look better with gold. Of course, we would want real gold and it would be very expensive to get straight out of Coleman. It's up to you, Queen Aspen."

I roll my eyes. "Stop calling me "Queen Aspen"! I'm not even Queen yet." 

I recieve a dangerous glance from King John, so I shut my mouth quickly and reconsider my next words. "What about white and gold?"

Lise looks back at all her maids, getting quick nods. I can see the expressions change on her face as she thinks. "That could work!" 

"Anyways, I think I should wait on the wedding dress to discuss with Kato. He needs to have some say in it. Can we move onto the coronation gowns and wait to discuss this?" I say, looking in between the King and Lise. They both shrug, and Lise flips through her large book of notes.

She starts to talk, but I tune out. I haven't slept in awhile, I haven't been forcing myself. My eyelids get heavy, and I do fall asleep, but its only for one hour before the nightmares trickle in. It's the only way I can get a calm sleep. No one has noticed, and hopefully know one will. 

"King John?" 

"Yes, Your Majesty?" He says, turning his head at an annoying angle.

"I'm feeling rather frazzled, I'm going to head to gardens for fresh air." I say, rubbing my hand across my forehead. "I'd rather discuss this later when I'm feeling better."

"Fine." King John says, stacking his notes in a tall pile before leaving the room. I don't like him at all, and I never will. His attitude, his demeanor to do everything right, to do everything his way, just bothers me. Thank the heavens that his reign will be over the second I am coronated.

I pick up my gown to make room for my feet, and I rush off through the hall to one of the large glass windows, covered by large velvet curtains that drape to the ground. I reach for the handle, and swing open the doors. The air swallows me, and an invisible force pushes me forward. I've been in the gardens at least twice since I arrived, but today, It's buzzing with activity. 

Gardeners trim the hedges into perfect shapes, others plant flowers or collect them. But they all turn to me with surprising looks on their faces. "Oh, Your Majesty! We weren't expecting you!"

"Carry on." I say, taking steps to the beautiful pink roses in front of me. "It's quiet calming actually." 

And so they continue to prune the hedges and flowers as I walk steadly through the abundant forest. I take deep breaths, it's whats steadying me. But my breath is cut short by the quickening footsteps behind me. 

"Your Majesty?"

God, I can't have one moment alone in this palace, can I?

I spin around. "What-"

It's not who I expected it to be. I thought it would be some crazed gardener asking me to sign something for them. But it's Prince Carter, Anastasia's brother. He's got some sort of smile on his face that makes him look insane. He's holding out his hand like I'm supposed to grab it. Does he know that I'm engaged?

"Yes?" I say.

"Oh, sorry." He puts his hand down, chuckling slightly. "May I walk with you?"

I don't want to be rude, yet I do want some time alone. But before I can open my mouth to speak he's at my side, thanking me. 

"How are you enjoying your time at the palace?" 

"Great, so far. It's nothing like home though." I say awkwardly. I want to get away right now so badly. I start to fidget with my fingers, and that's when he see's the ring.

"Ah, who gave you the ring?" He says, raising his eyebrows.

"Oh, my fiancé." I cough, taking a small step back. 

"You're getting married." He says slowly, taking another step towards me. What is he doing? Underneath the layers of my dress, I turn my heels to the side, preparing to run. He takes another step towards me, so I try to bolt away, only to feel a yank on my arm. 

My heart us racing as I try to urge away, only to feel a harder tug that sends me to the ground. A shallow scream escapes my lips as try to crawl away from him. "What the hell? What are you doing?"

I shove myself upwards and back, sending me stumbling into a hedge maze. I don't think, I just run from the Prince who's footsteps are racing behind me. 

My foot catches the bottom of my dress, sending me forward again. I'm rolling quickly on the floor, banging into one of the hedges, and it tears open letting me inside of it. 

How is this possible?

I try to cover my mouth with my elbow as I see the feet of Carter through the branches. His feet turn at certain angles, indicating that he's searching for me. What was his point? To assault me, or...? 

Anyways, he runs off in a different direction. I wait 5 minutes for comfermation that he won't come back, and I'm right. I roll back out of the hedge and rush back through the way I came from. 


I somehow made it back to my room without being stopped about my appearance, which is pure luck. I'm staring at myself in the mirror, covered in dirt, my stunning purple gown ripped the the feet and my arms are covered in scratches again. My hair has fallen out of the gentle braid that Lise made me. 

"Your Majesty! I brought you-"

Lise has entered the room with my dinner tray. She's looking me up and down with a horrible look on her face. "What happened to you?" She says softly, placing the dinner tray on one of the tables before rushing over to me. 

I clear my throat. "The prince. He uh, well. I don't know how to say this. But I had to run quickly. I tripped and rolled into one of the hedges."

Lise raises her eyebrows like its nothing new. "I've worked at the palace for at least five years. I know a lot about that boy. If he wants something, he'll go out of his way to get it. I suggest to stay away from him."

I nod as Lise undresses me and gives me a nightgown, the suns already going down. She styles my hair down, and leaves me. 

I eat my dinner in small bites, as if not to take more for myself. I leave the mashed potatoes untouched, waiting for Onix to grab some of the hot food. She never comes. I go to bed with a grumbling stomach, but I can withstand it. I did for a week.

It's fine. I'll be fine. No one will come tonight, no one will haunt you. Endless lies I keep telling myself. Hopefully, one day, I'll start to believe it.

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