Chapter 28

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We are packed and ready to head back to school. It's Sunday morning and we have a four hour drive then we will get settled in our rooms before class in the morning. The twins and I are in my truck and we are driving to Mia's house. All of us nervous for this drive, but so fucking thankful we have her to ourselves again and we can get back campus and work on fixing this.

The four day break sucked. We got our asses handed to us by Carter and then Mia ignored us the whole time. I thought we were making some progress when she seemed upset by our bruises, but she quickly shut down and was distant with everyone the whole night. My parents were so upset when we got home that night. My dads sat me down and had a two hour talk with me about network relationships and my role. Them being disappointed was the cherry on top of the fuck up sundae.

"I'm nervous. And I'm sore and I just want her to kiss it better." Bash whines, sounding like an child instead of the giant ass man he is. He throws his head back on the headrest and closes his eyes. He looks like he's about to jump out of his skin and I can relate to the feeling.

"What's the plan? How are we fixing this?" Liam asks as he scoots up between Bash and I.

"I had a really long talk with my dads and they offered their advice. It isn't shit we don't already know, but it just verified what I was already thinking. We aren't going to be able to fix this. We can't take back what we did and we can't erase the fact that we weren't planning on telling her before we literally stole her virginity from her. She spent years thinking we were hers as much as she was ours and then we smashed that into pieces. She feels her claim on us isn't steady, she feels her network isn't faithful. We have to show her that she's our priority. We have to be consistent and reliable. We have to show her with our actions that she is all we want and there won't be anyone else every again, but her."

I exhale,

"I think we should sign our network contracts. She doesn't have to, but we can. She can hold onto our completed ones until she's ready to sign.. I mean if she ever is I guess, but she will know that we are sticking this out even if she doesn't want us romantically. I'm hers whether she decides to keep me romantically or platonically. What about you guys?" I end my rant and look to Bash who still looks like he's going to vomit.

"I'm hers." he says in a defeated tone.

"I'm never leaving her. I'll be her protector if she doesn't want me as a lover." Liam responds.

"The contracts are in my backpack. We will do it when we get back to school and get Carter to electronically sign them. I called him last night and he agreed he would, but said it doesn't matter if he does because Mia might not ever." I sigh. "We can present them to her with our intentions to be her network even if she chooses to find other romantic interests." I spit out.

"I don't know if I can watch someone else touch her Trevor." Liam responds pained.

"We might have too. My Dads brought up a good point. What if she adds another male who she knows is faithful because he's untouched? What if she wants someone untouched?" My last sentence is said a little hysterically and the panic is evident in my voice.

"Pull over I'm going to puke," Bash says quietly. I think he's joking, but he repeats his request louder so I pull over. He blows his breakfast all over the side of the street and there's a neighbor standing out front a couple houses over. I wave and smile.

When Bash gets his shit together and gets back in the car we are quiet. The conversation is over. We know what we have to do, but loosing her might just break us and watching her love someone else might put one or a couple of us in jail.

We pull into her drive way and she's standing outside with Carter, her pink backpack thrown over one shoulder. She's in ripped up jeans and a purple tank top with a glittering skull on it. She has on purple sandals to match and her blonde hair is cascading around her in curls. The sun is shining right on her and her bright brown eyes look up at me when I shut the door to the truck. It looks like she has a halo and I suddenly feel like devil.

She gives us a small smile and returns Carter's hug before she heads towards me. I open the back door for her and she crawls in beside Liam. When I get back into the car Bash's head is still against the head rest and his eyes are closed. Mia leans forward setting her hand on his chest.

"What's wrong Bash?" He grips her hand so she won't move it.

"I just feel sick. I'm good, probably what I ate for breakfast."

"Liam trade him places please." Mia asks ever so politely. Liam grunts, but does as she asks and starts to get out of the car. Bash turns around to look at her.

"I might be contagious it's better if I stay up here. I'm good babe I promise." I doubt he's contagious, but I have no doubt he's heartsick.

"Shut up and trade seats." She demands in her no nonsense, do as I say voice.

Both men oblige her and when Bash gets into the back seat she pats her lap asking him to lay his head on her. He easily complies and she starts running her hands through his hair while the other is gripped against his chest in his ruthless grasp.

"I feel sick too," Liam chimes in looking back at them with a longing glance.

"No your not, be a good boy and I might let you trade places if Bash feels better." She says it matter of factly and that gets a smile from me and Liam. Maybe we will be okay. Maybe we can fix this and get our girl back.

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