Chapter 13

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I'm rummaging through my tiny dorm closet trying to finding something to wear tonight. I'm on vidchat with Cassidy as she works on prepping dinner.

"Where are they taking you?"

"Some Italian place off campus. Sounds fancy so I want to look nice."

"Did you pack the tight red dress that shimmers a bit?"

"Ummmm ahh yup here it is." I pull it out and hold it up to myself.

"Yes wear that one, you'll be a sexy mama Mia." Cassidy winks, or tries too. She can't really wink so it looks like an awkward flinch. I chuckle at her expense.

"I miss you guys. I'll shoot a message when we make it back to the dorms ok? I love you!"

"I love you, have a good night with your studs! You better check in or Carter will be there by midnight!"

She ends the chat before I can reply. I actually don't doubt that... Carter would probably drive straight here if I didn't check in.

I'm finishing putting my lipgloss in my clutch when the boys knock. I check over myself one more time in the floor length mirror. My dirty blonde hair is a little lighter after spending the summer next to the pool. It's hanging in loose curls half way down my back due to the trim I had right before we left. My makeup is a little heavy tonight with eye liner and eye shadow that makes my brown eyes pop and look a couple shades lighter.

My lips are sparkly and I have on body lotion that makes the rest of me shimmer. My dress is fitted tight and a deep red. The top is cut low and tight around my cleavage exposing more then I usually do. There are lace sleeves that barely cover the tops of my shoulders giving it a dainty look. The dress hits about mid thigh, a little short, but tight enough it won't ride up. The red shimmers a bit in the light and my diamond earrings sparkle when I tuck my hair behind my ear.

The earrings were a gift from Trevor for graduation and they are my favorites. My love for sparkle has not diminished over the years. I have on nude wedges that don't sparkle, but sometimes you have to sacrifice sparkle for comfort.

I open the door and I'm startled to see it's the guard we met that Liam got all terminator in front of.

"Oh uh hi sorry I was expecting my friends!" I try a polite smile but it might come off as a cringe. His cologne smells god awful.

"Wow you look beautiful. Lucky boys." He winks and now I know I cringe.

"Do you need something?" I'm probably not as polite now.

"Your friends are downstairs. There was no need for them to retrieve you when I was headed this way." He tries for some kind of charming smile.

"Uh thanks." I step forward to leave and he doesn't move. His eyes scan down my outfit to my shoes and I'm wholly uncomfortable now.

"Excuse me." I say with a snap.

"Oh sorry, yeah." He moves out of the way and holds his hand out in a 'right this way' gesture. I shut my door and turn to lock it then remember he's behind me so I awkwardly lock it standing sideways so he's in my line of sight. His hand is still out like he's asking me to lead. I thought he was going somewhere else on my floor?

"After you." I say curtly. He smiles and I see his yellow stained teeth and gag a little. Well this dude is gross.

I stay a good few feet behind him as we take the stairs down. I'm no expert in heels so I'm gripping the hand rail to keep me steady. We finally make it to the bottom and he opens the door to the lobby and gestures me through. I practically run past him and slam into a hard chest. I inhale and instantly calm down knowing it's Liam who's wrapped his hands around my back to keep me upright as I bounce off of his chest.

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