Chapter 29

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We make it back to school with no issues. We don't talk much. I explain I need more time to process everything and the boys talk among themselves for most of the time. They follow me around like lost, kicked puppies and I have to avoid eye contact because seeing their sad eyes just makes me want to soothe them and make everything better.

We are back for a few days and I'm getting back into the routine of my classes. I see my friends more frequently and they are conveniently always available for meals and going to the library with me. I think they feel sorry for and have taken pity on me, but I'm grateful for the companionship nonetheless.

My nights are lonely and cold. I miss puppy piles and warm naked chests that I can lay my head on. I'm wallowing in my boy-less bed one night when I hear a thump against my window. It's not a knock, but definitely a sound that is out of place. I'm a little nervous as I creep to the door and barely slide the curtain back. The lights are off, but I can make out a silhouette sitting on my balcony with their back against the glass door.

There is hardly room to sit so he's cross legged and looks cramped. I sigh. It's Trevor. Have they been taking turns sitting on my fucking balcony like creeps every night since I won't let them in?

I hurriedly unlock the door and rip it open before he has time to hear the click of the lock. He falls through the door his back landing with a thump on my floor. I'm standing over him as he looks up to me from upside down.

"Hi baby," he whispers. My heart gives a throb at the beautiful boy laid out in front of me.

"You guys are fucking infuriating. I'm going to call security." I turn to walk away and he scrambles up to grab my arm.

"I'm sorry baby. Please." He's tugging on my arm to get me to turn to look at him. I do because I can't deny his pretty please. "We can't sleep without you. You being alone over here is difficult for us. I'll leave." He looks sincere. I have a moment of weakness.

"Stay." I look up and he looks surprised at my request.

"On the floor... and no talking. Just sleep." I reply curtly and turn off the lights to crawl into my bed. I throw a pillow at him and he gets settled on the floor.

"I love you baby." He whispers. A tear slips down my cheek. I should have made him leave. I want to go to him. The urge to touch him is overwhelming. I grip the comforter and turn over as the sound of Trevor's deep breathing soothes me to sleep. I slept better then I have in a while.

The following day is Friday. I have the day off and nothing to do. I decide on a junk TV binge and get settled in my bed with my vidscreen when there's a knock at my door. I'm not expecting anyone so I pull a hoodie over my sports bra and leggings that I'm wearing. I open the door to three sullen, but handsome males.

"Can I help you?"

"Hi angel. We just wanted to talk if you have a moment?"

"No fighting, no excuses. You don't even have to respond, just listen?" Bash looks to me with his tortured baby blues.

I sigh. "Okay like 10 minutes and you're out."

They eagerly file in, looking around my room like they are going to find a male hidden, or some secret I'm hiding. Trevor was just here the other night, my room looks exactly the same. I haven't let anyone else in my door since then. I felt weak letting him in and I'm still hellbent on proving to them I can do this alone just fine.

"Hi beautiful. We will make this quick, you look busy." Trevor nods his head to my vidscreen, which he can clearly see displays junk tv.

He has a wry grin on his face like he's pleased I'm here in my room wasting the day away. Ugh I should have gone out. It's then I notice he's holding some rolled up papers in his hand. I gesture to them in a 'go ahead' and hope he will hurry up and get to the point.

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