Chapter 32

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There's a knock at Mia's door. Rounds were 30 minutes ago so I wonder if the guard heard us speaking and he's come back to kick me out. I step out onto the balcony this time and she quietly shuts and locks the door behind me since the guard can see the balcony doors from the entrance and may question why she doesn't have it locked. I hear muffled voices and can't make out much of what is said. I can't see through the curtains she has covering the window and my anxiety notches up. I try to slow my breathing so I can hear, but again I can't hear much.

I hear her door slam shut and then a thump. I'm nervous now so I try to open the door. Of course it's locked. I hear her cry out my name and now I'm freaking the fuck out. Someone is in there with her. Someone could be hurting her. Shit!

This is going to hurt.

I throw myself at the glass of her balcony door. It takes three tries before I finally crash through, broken glass raining down around me. My heart stops for a moment when I see Drew has her pinned against the wall and his hand is creeping up her bare thigh only covered in one of the twins' shirts. Mia's eyes are huge as she seems to beg for help through them. He has a hand over her mouth so I only hear muffled cries. The crash finally registers seconds later and he turns towards me. I see a moment of panic overtake his face before I'm on him.

I rip him away from her by the back of his shirt and he falls to the floor. Fat and uncoordinated. I'm really fucking thankful for the twins forcing me to work out all the time and the boxing lessons they insisted on this summer. He tries to get up off of the ground so I throw my weight on top of him. He throws a wild punch and it completely misses. I nail him in the temple.

I've never felt rage like this before. I want to kill him. I think I could actually kill him. I've hit him two more times before someone rips me off of him. I'm flailing and trying to punch whoever is touching me and I frantically turn to see where Mia has gone.

Bash has her in his arms and it's Liam who's restraining me. I stop fighting and look down to see Drew spitting blood onto Mia's pink fuzzy rug. I go to hit him again just for defiling her favorite fucking dorm decor, but I'm thrown backwards towards the ground. I'm still trying to get up off the ground when Liam starts wailing on Drew. His hits are sloppy and manic, but he won't stop. His knuckles are split open and Drew's blood is dripping all over the floor. Mia's screaming brings me out of my trance. She's screaming at Liam to stop, but Liam is too far gone to listen.

It takes Bash and I both to pull Liam off of Drew. Drew looks dead and I can't tell if that brings me peace or worry. Liam finally snaps out of it when other men enter the room. It's the other guards and I don't think they are here to hurt us or take Mia from us, but Liam is feral at this point. He reaches for Mia and she goes willingly, seeming non pulsed that he's splattered in blood and could have just killed someone. She's shaking and burying her face in Liam's chest as he pets her hair and tells her it's okay, that he's here now. I actually have no idea how the fuck they are here.

Liam has dragged Mia towards a corner of her room and won't allow the guards to come near them. Bash and I move to stand with them so he calms down. The guards check the pulse of Drew and say he's alive, just unconscious. I find I'm disappointed and I don't know what that says about me.

The head guard, Joe, enters the room and surveys the scene. A look of understanding crosses his face and I'm sure he has an idea of what occured.

"What happened?" He barks. Addressing his guards. One I've never seen replies,

"We had an incident early. Drew tried to enter the building from a back entrance and gain access to the third floor. We were able to stop him, but he expressed a desire to see a girl he had been dating. He mentioned it was this female, but there was nothing in her info that noted him so we didn't allow him to speak to her." The guard looks scared.

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