Chapter 36

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Cassidy and I are lounging on the couch eating our spoils when the men return. Mine are covered in pink sparkly paint and I'm intrigued.

"Care to explain?" I ask no one in particular.

"Justice." Carter says.

"Have you been crying?" Cassidy gets up to get a closer look at his eyes.

"Allergies." He kisses her head. "Let's get going. I want to be back in time to watch The Bachelorette season 324 premier."

I chuckle at his love for that stupid show and everyone says goodbye. The twins' dad gives me a big hug and tells me to keep his boys in line. I tell him I will try my best, but Liam might be a lost cause. Liam hears me and throws me over his shoulder.

"I'll show you lost cause angel." He smacks my butt and I'm giggling and squealing trying to get away. The front door closes as I'm thrown onto my bed. I turn over and try to army crawl away, but Bash's laughter makes me pause and turn around.

"You have a bright pink hand print on your ass." I turn and see a faint outline of a giant hand in pink. "Here let me help you change." Bash grabs my hands and pulls me up so I'm standing on my bed.

I'm a head taller then him in this position and I use his shoulders to balance. He peels the black leggings down and over my feet before he throws them in the hamper across the room. I'm wearing one of Trevor's shirts which is dotted with flour and now only my lacey panties remain on my bottom half. Bash groans into my chest, which causes him to realize I'm not wearing a bra either.

"Let me get you some clothes." He turns to walk towards my dresser and I turn him back to face me with my hands on his shoulder. I don't second guess it as I fall into his arms. He catches me easily with his hands on the bottom of my thighs. This position brings my mouth even with his and I use that to my advantage to give him a soft kiss. I sigh and hug him to me, needed a moment to just hold him and breathe him in. I have felt like I've been living in a bubble. My emotions were all over the place and I was torn between acting strong and brave and giving into letting my men take care of me.

I feel a lightness after watching Drew be sent away in shackles. He will never touch another female as long as he lives. I felt relief. Relief that everything I went through and everything I've been feeling was validated. He was wrong and he will suffer.

I needed them to make the decision for me and I needed guidance as to what to do because I was feeling so lost. They have done nothing but take care of me the last few weeks and I have acted selfishly. I ignored them, pushed them away and refused to let them in. I needed to hear Liam say that this morning. I am stronger with them and I always have been.

The betrayal is still there and I still feel the sting of their past actions, but the gratefulness I feel for their understanding and protection is starting to cloud the anger. I don't want any one else and there is no way I want a platonic relationship with my males. My virtue feels like a gift, one that was almost ripped away from me by a rapist. My thoughts in the moments of Drew touching me centered around my men. I was terrified this man would steal from me what belonged to my boys. He was so close to taking something I so desperately wanted to share with my lovers.

That contract sits in the top drawer of my dresser telling me that these men are mine. They signed it willingly and freely. They chose me above all others they could have chosen. I'm not ready to forget what they did, but maybe I'm ready to forgive?

"You were so strong today babe. You were amazing. I'm always in awe of you. How are you feeling?" I pull my head to look at Bash and see Trevor and Liam are sitting on the floor against my wall. I didn't realize they were in here, or for how long. I make eye contact with both of them as I speak,

"I feel.. relieved. That he won't ever touch another female. I feel thankful that you were there to protect me and that you're here now despite how I've been acting. I'm sorry." A lone tear sneaks down my cheek.

"Always baby, we aren't going anywhere." Trevor speaks and Liam follows,

"I'll protect you with my life for all of my days, I swear it. I'll never let that happen again."

Bash tucks my hair behind my ear and kisses my lips.

"I love you babe." I sigh into his mouth as he deepens the kiss,

"I love you Sebastian." I look over his shoulder,

"I love you both. I forgive you for your past, but I hold you accountable for our future. You are mine and no one else's. Your bodies belong to me and aren't to be touched by another. Understood?"

"Understood baby."

"Of course angel. I don't ever want another touch besides yours."

"Understood.. Now I'm hard." Bash drops his forehead to mine. "Tell me my body belongs to you again? Wait no, don't. I don't want another tally screen started." I giggle.

"That sounds is music to my ears angel. I have missed it. I have dreamed about it."

"He literally prayed for it. I'm not joking I walk in one night and he's on his knees praying for giggles. Not something I ever thought I'd see." Trevor shutters like he's uncomfortable. That gets more giggles out of me and big smiles from my boys.

"Can we have sexy time now? I've missed it." I stick my bottom lip out to the two sitting against the wall.

No one has time to reply before I'm thrown through the air onto my bed. I sit up in time to see Bash ripping his clothes off and throwing them throughout the room. I'm leaning on my elbows when he comes to stand over me clad in only boxers.

"You are so beautiful it hurts. I will happily take a thousand more tallys if you'll give them to me." He has a big smile as he crawls between my legs and takes my mouth into his.

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