Chapter 1

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Welcome! Just a quick heads up that there are multiple trigger warnings in this book. Please be safe and do not read if you may have sensitivity to alcohol abuse, eating disorders, suicide and many other topics that may arise.

Enjoy - Lex.

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Taylor's heart was beating so fast in her chest she thought it might just explode. Her fifth album, titled "1989", after the year she was born, was about to be released worldwide. She was having a party with some friends and people who had helped her create the album.

She was in her Beverly Hills home for the night as it was easier to get many of her friends together there, as opposed to her New York penthouse which was across the country. Taylor looked around the backyard at some of the familiar faces and some that weren't. There were definitely a few guys that looked to be friends of a friend and a few girls that probably tagged along with friends or boyfriends.

The fireplace had some people around it, there were marshmellows skewed across the ground. The October air wasn't the same as the Summer heat but it was warmer here than in New York which was something she was trying to soak in before returning back next week. It was only a few minutes before the album released and she was trying to stay as calm as possible. She was lost in her thoughts for a moment, a rare sight as no one was trying to talk to her at that very second. The lighting under the patio bright but the moon casting weird shadows on the drink table.

Normally, she would have wanted a big party with caters and fancy decorations but this time around she had settled for a bartender as well as a table of non-alcoholic drinks and assorted pizzas and snacks on another. Her transition from country to pop music had also changed her. She was worried about the response, not only from her fans but from those who were close to her. Only a few people had heard the album so far, her family and the people at the Secret Sessions.

It was about three minutes from the release when her mom, Andrea tapped her on the shoulder, a glass of white wine in her hand. It startled the blonde from her thoughts but she quickly turned and faced her.

"Hey, you look nervous. Thought you could use this," her mom says as she hands her the drink. Taylor smiles in appreciation as she accepts the cold glass. She takes a small sip and lets it roll down her throat.

"Thanks, I'm sure it'll all be fine but I can't help and wonder, you know?" Taylor tells the older woman who nods gently and squeezes her daughters shoulder.

From across the yard she sees her publicist, Tree Paine, wave a finger at her to indicate she should come make a quick speech and start the countdown. Taylor smiles and nods before thanking her mom again and giving her a hug.

When she arrives at the microphone, connected to the small speakers that were scattered throughout her backyard she takes one last deep breath before asking for everyone's attention. It goes almost silent as everyone turns to face her. She looks out at everyone who had gathered at her home that night, amazed to see so many people supporting her.

"I just want to start off by saying thank you for coming and supporting me tonight," she begins. She goes on to thank people for their role in the album before she notices it's thirty seconds before the album goes live.

Taylor patiently waits for the timer to hit zero as people were softly counting down the seconds with her. Once she is finally allowed to, Taylor begins to play the album for everyone much like she did at the Secret Sessions except this time she doesn't have to be so secretive about it all.

After the album play-through it feels like a million weights have been lifted off her shoulders. She asks Tree about the current reception to "1989" so far and it seems positive, which makes her even happier.

Stay - Taylor SwiftHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin