Chapter 63

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March 12, 2017

"Taylor!" Grace squealed from the other room, making the singer jump slightly from surprise, "Karlie went into labour!"

"You're kidding?" Taylor yelled back, leaving the dishes right where they were and quickly going to the living room.

"No seriously! Will said it won't be too long because apparently it's been a few hours already. Do you want to come to the hospital with me? I'm going to sit in the waiting room and... well, wait."

Taylor paused, the idea of being seen slightly scaring her since the last appearance she had made was in February, a show she had committed to long before the drama. She wasn't opposed to it however she was worried about it.

"I can always send you pictures or FaceTime you if you don't want to come," Grace added, "It's okay if you'd rather wait a little bit so you can meet him in private."

"No, let's go. Just let me feed the girls their dinner and start the dishwasher- I should probably change too," she gestured down at the sweatpants and oversized sweater she was wearing.

"I highly doubt we'll see any paparazzi but if you're worried about a fan taking a picture of you or something be my guest," Grace chuckled as she placed a quick peck along the side of Taylor's mouth.

"Are you going in what you're wearing?" Taylor laughed a little as she looked her fiancé up and down.

Grace shook her head, "I'll be damned if my nephew meets me for the first time wearing just a bra and shorts that show off half of my ass."

An hour later they were sitting in the waiting room of the London hospital, anxiously waiting for William to come out and announce that the little boy had arrived.

Parker was eyeing his clients closely, a private waiting room being given to them a blessing but he was always on alert. Down the row was Grace's mother, Karlie's was in the room already as Tracy had flown in two weeks earlier 'just in case'.

"I'm so excited to finally learn his name," Jennifer enthused as she looked up at the couple. The girls weren't touching, not flirting or leaving any indications of being a couple, an unusual sight to see. The only thing someone may have picked up on if they looked closely enough was the engagement rings that both girls had forgotten to take off in all of the excitement.

"You don't think it'll start with a "K", do you?" Taylor looked up with a smile.

"Both last names start with "K", that poor kid would be like 'Kenneth Kent-Kloss' and I honestly just don't think that's okay," Grace joked, her hand accidentally brushing against the blonde's thigh.

"Are they hyphenating his last name?" Taylor replied to which Grace shrugged.

Moments later, the giggles had died down and the proud father walked into the room, a smile so wide on his face it could stretch across Texas, "He's here!"

Cheers and pats on the back were exchanged, a few questions falling from their mouths which William was quick to answer.

"Seven-pounds on the dot, tons of hair, lungs to be a pop-star someday by the sounds of his crying and he's perfectly healthy," the man explained, his smile not fading in the slightest as his eyes sparkled from joy.

"Can we see him?" Grace asked her brother who nodded, gesturing for the four to follow him.

"Just be really quiet, he doesn't like too much noise," William warned, opening the door and smiling at Karlie who looked good for having just given birth.

"Oh my god," Taylor immediately started to cry, looking down at the little button-nose and long brown locks that showed even past his hat, "Guys he's so beautiful, congrats."

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