Chapter 23

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Grace had decided that she had no reason to rush out on the trip with her family, she was supposed to leave on the twenty-fifth so they decided to leave two days early, giving them one more full day. 

When Taylor woke up the morning after Grace's birthday, it was still fairly early. She turned around to see her beautiful girlfriend still sound asleep, she sat and watched for a moment before sneaking out of bed and going down the hallway to get ready in her room. She hadn't moved all of her stuff into Grace's room yet and figured there was no point since it was only another day.

She applied some make up and straightened her hair, putting on a nice dress and some shorter heels. She felt really confident as she walked downstairs to the kitchen to make some coffee, unsure if anyone else would be awake yet.

Taylor entered the kitchen and saw Jennifer already brewing a pot of coffee, her girlfriend's mother looked over her shoulder at the blonde, giving a polite smile.

"Good morning," Taylor said as she sat down at the counter William often was found at. She wasn't just going to stand there and wait for the coffee, deciding some light conversation would be more appropriate.

"Good morning, sleep well?" The older woman asked as she grabbed two mugs out of the cupboard, pouring the hot liquid in and handing one to Taylor along with the fixings.

"Yes, thank you, you really have such a beautiful getaway here," Taylor complimented, stirring some cream and sugar into her coffee and sipping it slowly. The warmness of the drink correcting the slight grogginess in her voice.

Jennifer smiled and sat next to the singer, telling her thank you and that no one else was awake yet. Taylor didn't even realize it was only seven, the sun had barely come up. Taylor usually loved to sleep in.

They sat in a comfortable silence, waiting for the other to say something before Taylor finally spoke, "I just wanted to thank you for being so... okay with Grace and I dating. I know that meant a lot to her."

"Well, it is nice to see my daughter happy. Also, I think you may have had something to do with her deciding to help out the family again, so really, thank you," she told the girl before turning to look out the large window framing the room.

"That was all her to be honest, I told her whatever she decided would be okay because she had to what she felt right," Taylor replied, setting her cup down on the counter.

Jennifer returned her eyes to the blonde, staring at her for a moment, "Can I be honest with you for a moment?"

Taylor nodded, gulping as her mouth went dry. The words the woman said to her making her slightly nervous, nothing with this family ever seemed to just be... normal. There was always a catch, always some lie or secret.

"Grace has never brought a partner home but she looks very happy with you, Taylor. I just want you to know that her father and I really think you are a great addition to our family, even if your relationship is still new. Thank you for fixing my little girl, Taylor."

"Jennifer, I just want to tell you how much I care for your daughter and I am going to support her regardless of what she chooses to do, she fixed me just as much, if not more, than I have her. I love her and for as long as she can stand having me around, I want to be there for her."

Jennifer was about to reply when she saw a sleepy Grace enter the kitchen, sneaking up behind Taylor and wrapping her arms around the blonde, startling Taylor. Grace had put on checkered pyjama pants and long t-shirt before the went to sleep, still wearing them as she embraced Taylor from behind. 

"You scared me," Taylor laughed as she set her coffee down on the counter held onto Grace's hands as they met near her belly button. Grace nuzzled herself in Taylor's neck, planting a gentle kiss and totally ignoring the fact that her mother was watching, "Why are you up so early?"

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